An astounding story was published by Reuters reporters last week. In most countries, “the internet” is a multidimensional thing emanating and maintained by thousands of different businesses, people and institutions. But in some African countries, “the internet” may depend on a single cable system.
“Since the start of 2016, governments in 13 African nations have intentionally shut down the internet on 21 occasions, mainly during elections and protests.”
“Africa is becoming a new testing ground for authoritarian practices online,” said Francois Patuel, West Africa researcher at Amnesty International.”
African governments control the internet by licensing. “When a sovereign government gives licenses to telecoms companies, those companies have little choice but to comply with the government’s demands,” said Doug Madory, director of internet analysis at Oracle Dyn, which monitors international internet traffic flows.
Shockingly, some American “civil liberties” groups such as the ACLU are demanding a similar system of government-licensed (what they somehow call “free”) internet. They call the concept “net neutrality.”