Update on the Ship of Fools (2nd ed.): Crew Now Noticing that Government Maps are Lying about Arctic Ice


Virtually every government (and, consequently, every major newspaper) in the world has been promoting a narrative that 2016 is the “hottest year on record.” This collusion furthers and fosters a worldwide push for more powerful, centralized, socialistic governments.

A group of global warming alarmists–having bought into the narrative–recently launched a sailing journey to “draw attention” to melting Arctic ice. They are attempting to sail around the Arctic Circle along various coasts of Russia, Greenland, and northern Canada.

(Note that these same types of journeys have been successfully completed many times in the past, even during the 1800s.)

The crew believed government maps and “radar” images which show vast melting in the Arctic.

Unfortunately, according to climate data analyst Tony Heller, the

intrepid explorers have discovered that there is ice hundreds of miles from where it is shown on the maps. And they are worried about it.

Instead of sailing through the clear waters of the Arctic they were told about, the sailors are

spending their time waiting, drinking and swearing.

See here.