The officer who shot Weinhaus was previously diagnosed with extreme PTSD and tested positive for mind-altering drugs immediately after Weinhaus’ shooting; yet prosecutors hid this information from Weinhaus’ defense lawyers.

Jeff Weinhaus, the Missouri activist journalist who was gunned down by state troopers in 2012 and then sentenced to 30 years for assaulting an officer, has received new information about the officer who shot him 4 times.

Weinhaus had been summoned by Missouri State Troopers to a St. Clair, Missouri gas station parking lot where the Troopers promised to return Weinhaus’s computer equipment. (The computer equipment had been previously unlawfully seized from Weinhaus’ home.)

The officer who opened fire on Jeff Weinhaus—Missouri Trooper Henry Folsom—had been previously diagnosed, unbeknownst to Weinhaus, with severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and tested positive for mind-altering drugs immediately after he shot Weinhaus. Folsom was suspended from the Highway Patrol following the 2012 incident. Then, shortly after Folsom testified against Weinhaus at Weinhaus’ 2013 criminal trial, Folsom was completely terminated. (Some observers, such as Evol Love of Justice Travelers, regard the timing of Folsom’s 2013 firing as suspicious. “The Highway Patrol used its control over Folsom until Folsom was no longer needed; then they fired him.”)

Jeff Weinhaus survived two shots to the head and two to the chest but was prosecuted for assaulting an officer and armed criminal action. Trooper Folsom testified that Weinhaus pulled a pistol on Folsom from his right side (although Weinhaus wore his holster on his left). Weinhaus is now serving a thirty year sentence in the Missouri State Prison System.

Weinhaus learned just last week that Trooper Folsom had been suffering from mental health issues stemming from at least 2000 when Folsom previously shot and killed another individual. Folsom had even told a psychiatrist named Dr. Lutz that Folsom feared he tends to shoot innocent people reaching for wallets. Folsom himself apparently admitted he felt unsafe with firearms.

None of this evidence was disclosed to Weinhaus’ defense team prior to Weinhaus’ November 2013 trial. It is likely that the jury would not have found Weinhaus guilty if the information had been disclosed.
Folsom’s PTSD diagnosis became public just last week when a Missouri court upheld another court’s declaration that Folsom was properly fired from the State Police.

While a Missouri court upheld the MHP’s firing of Folsom, it must be noted that Trooper Folsom is now retired on thousands of dollars per month in disability payments.

In modern America, any cop can open fire on any civilian at any time, claim to be disabled from the trauma, and then retire on thousands monthly for the rest of his life. His victims, of course, are left broken, dead, or shattered. In the case of Jeff Weinhaus, Weinhaus remains imprisoned with long-term brain damage and memory loss. Weinhaus’ wife divorced him soon after his trial.

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