Unintended Consequences: “Natural Landscaping” May Make Future Heatwaves WORSE


Many who live in the desert southwest have seen local and state governments promoting “natural,” or “desert” landscaping as a replacement for traditional western-style green lawns and flower gardens.

The campuses of most government universities in the southwest have replaced vast areas of green lawns with desert plants and weeds such as yucca.

Now some researchers reveal a study in which they tested temperature changes at daytime and nighttime and compared lawns with “natural desert” landscaping.

It seems that lawns provide more protection from heatwaves, and that government-promoted desert landscaping makes heatwaves worse. See here.

Satellite data show thick ice has grown massively in the Arctic in only a year


Media experts continue to spread the myth that Arctic ice is rapidly melting.

An analysis of 1.5 meter-plus ice in the Arctic apparently shows that such thick (5-feet thick) ice has GROWN, not declined, since last year. See here.

Yet government agencies have been claiming these past months were the hottest on record.

“Environmentalist” groups appear to oppose Washington carbon tax because it wouldn’t grow government enough


Want more proof that those promoting apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 theories are simply promoting socialism?

Here is a story from the state of Washington about a true believer who found that “big green” groups weren’t supporting his carbon-tax ballot initiative.

The reason: his ballot proposal was “revenue neutral” and did not require growth in government. Environmental groups are reportedly “more afraid of tax cuts and smaller governments” than they are concerned about actual efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Increasingly, government “services” are security checkpoints for the police state


Interesting essay by L. Reichard White on Lewrockwell.com. It seems that police departments are increasingly using the admissions counters at clinics and hospitals as warrant/security/background check stations.

When people enter government hospitals for “care,” they must first show ID, provide Social Security numbers and identify themselves. A front counter person punches the information into an electronic system that signals local police if the person has outstanding warrants, citations, fines or is wanted for questioning.

Police arrive at emergency rooms even before the visitor gets in to see a nurse! See here.

The same goes for airports and other government “service” areas. Avoid them.

Save these dates! Campaign Finance Lectures, Glacier Chasing Expeditions


We are now in mid-summer. A few upcoming dates for LSU events:

Weekend of September 9-11, 2016: LSU’s annual glacier hunting trip to Glacier National Park!
September 12, 2016: Lecture and discussion of campaign finance reform, Missoula Public Library 6:30

Update on the Ship of Fools (2nd ed.): Crew Now Noticing that Government Maps are Lying about Arctic Ice


Virtually every government (and, consequently, every major newspaper) in the world has been promoting a narrative that 2016 is the “hottest year on record.” This collusion furthers and fosters a worldwide push for more powerful, centralized, socialistic governments.

A group of global warming alarmists–having bought into the narrative–recently launched a sailing journey to “draw attention” to melting Arctic ice. They are attempting to sail around the Arctic Circle along various coasts of Russia, Greenland, and northern Canada.

(Note that these same types of journeys have been successfully completed many times in the past, even during the 1800s.)

The crew believed government maps and “radar” images which show vast melting in the Arctic.

Unfortunately, according to climate data analyst Tony Heller, the

intrepid explorers have discovered that there is ice hundreds of miles from where it is shown on the maps. And they are worried about it.

Instead of sailing through the clear waters of the Arctic they were told about, the sailors are

spending their time waiting, drinking and swearing.

See here.

U.S. businesses, suffering under regulation, are paying debts later and later


Shocking business news from the Associated Press. AP reports that PAYDEX, an index that tracks how much time small businesses take to pay their bills, shows businesses are paying debts later and later.

Small businesses are increasingly paying bills 30 or 45 days late.

A 2014 study by Georgia Tech found that companies are taking an average of 46 days to pay major bills (in 2014), compared to 35 percent in 2009, “even though the economy was much healthier in 2014.”

Montana health insurers seek major rate increases for 2017


Obamacare and Medicare were pushed with claims they would bring health insurance prices down for poor people.

Yet health care costs have increased faster than inflation every year for 30 years.

Now, just a couple years after the implementation of Obamacare, Montana’s major health insurers (who, ironically, lobbied heavily for the passage of Obamacare and even helped write portions of it) say they’re losing money and are seeking 2017 rate increases of up to 62 percent.

The state’s smallest marketplace insurer, PacificSource, says it averaged a loss of $1,100 per insured member last year.

Another Islamist ‘terror’ video with U.S. Intelligence Agency scripting surfaces


Occasionally, a whistleblower alerts the world to the clear scripting of ‘terror’ videos by the CIA or elements within western intelligence agencies.

Here is a new video of an Islamist extremist Syrian rebel giving a statement. And you can hear his CIA director telling him to start the statement over!

Democratic convention crowd chants ‘no more war’ at former CIA director Leon Panetta


Both of America’s government-supremacist parties have been led by overt warmongers for decades. The recent release of previously secret emails between high-level Democrats reveals that the Democratic Party rigged the Democratic Primaries to install yet another warmonger (Hillary Clinton) as the Party’s presidential nominee.

Also, at this week’s Democratic National Convention, the Democrats gave a prime speaking slot to former “Defense” Secretary and CIA director Leon Panetta.

A crowd of long-suffering Democratic delegates chanted, “No More War!” See here.