Tens of Thousands of Seniors Now Live as Low-Wage Nomads in RVs, Vans and Trailers

If you save anything in modern America you are an utter fool. Near-zero interest rates, high taxation, central-banking-driven inflation and other government policies have robbed an entire generation of wealth in their later years.

Social Security further robs the poor of their nest eggs, incentivising people to save less, invest less, and work fewer total hours. Studies reveal the U.S. as a whole is at least 4 percent poorer than it would have been without the diabolical program.

Marketwatch.com is out with an essay about growing numbers of seniors who now live in RVs, campers and vans in their “retirement”–traveling between work camps and low-wage jobs to survive.

The information is largely taken from the work of journalist Jessica Bruder, whose book “Nomadland,” “reveals the dark, depressing and sometimes physically painful life of a tribe of men and women in their 50s and 60s who are — as the subtitle says — “surviving America in the twenty-first century.” Not quite homeless, they are “houseless,” living in secondhand RVs, trailers and vans and driving from one location to another to pick up seasonal low-wage jobs, if they can get them, with little or no benefits.

Study shows sea levels increased faster in the first half of the 20th century than in the second half

It is an article of faith among hardline believers in apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 that sea levels are increasing–and that this increase is ACCELERATING as the planet’s glaciers and polar ice caps melt.

And it seems there is widespread agreement that sea levels have risen moderately over the past several centuries.

But now there is a major study by scientists in Britain, the Netherlands and Germany which indicates that sea level rise has been SLOWING DOWN over the past century even as CO2 levels have increased in the atmosphere.

Specifically, sea levels appear to have risen by 2.03 mm/year between 1904-1953 but rose only about 1.45 mm/year from 1954 to 2003.

If true the findings cast great doubt on the apocalyptic predictions and claims of many government-funded scientists. See here.

Government-funded scientists have generally claimed that the world’s oceans have warmed and risen unnaturally since the dawn of the human industrial revolution.

Socialism has cost Venezuela half of its wealth and half of its economy in just 5 years

For those who think socialist ideologues are not dangerous, there is sobering news from Venezuela.

Just 20 years ago Venezuelans were the wealthiest and healthiest people in Latin America. The country had a total wealth that was greater than that of China.

Today, after 15 years of socialist central planning, the people spend most of their time begging in food lines.

Grown men die in knife fights over 5-dollar bills. Women and young girls walk the streets as prostitutes for as little as a tube of toothpaste or a box of diapers.

Here is a CNN report indicating that socialism has cost Venezuela as much as half of the country’s total wealth since 2013.

Climate Skeptics Predicted Government would start “adjusting” Satellite Data to Prove Global Warming. A Year Later, the Predictions have come True!

Dr. Roy Spencer and John Christie pioneered the use of satellites to measure global temperatures. For 30 years, Dr. Spencer and Dr. Christie have led the satellite data program at the University of Alabama-Huntsville.

Spencer and Christie are known skeptics of manmade-global-warming theory, and have frequently pointed out that their satellite data does not show the massive warming that is allegedly shown by other, government-controlled data sets based on surface thermometers.

(Of course, we now know that government agencies such as NASA and NOAA have been “adjusting” the surface temp record to make the past colder than it was actually measured and the present seem warmer in comparison.)

The government climate-change establishment could not allow Spencer’s and Christie’s skepticism to continue unchallenged. And 3 years ago, Carl Mears of “Remote Sensing Systems” in California began publishing reports about rival satellite temp data being consistent with the government surface data sets.

The new RSS data sets have been widely heralded by government-supporting media sources like the Washington Post. See here.

(RSS is ostensibly private but receives almost all of its funding from NASA.)

Now it has become clear that RSS has been altering their own data to make the data more closely match government surface temp records. See here.

Stay tuned!

U.S. government secretly poisoned hundreds of pregnant women with radiation

Many Americans are familiar with the Tuskegee experiments in which the U.S. government secretly injected hundreds of African Americans with diseases and then let them die without treatment.

It was all done under the auspices of government health care.

It is less well known that other similar experiments were conducted by the U.S. government elsewhere.

Federal officials knowingly spread poisoned gas in subways, poisoned alcohol, and conducted other experiments which left thousands dead.

Here is a story about federal experiments conducted at Vanderbilt University during the 1940s, in which hundreds of women who went to government-subsidized health clinics for treatment were unknowingly injected with radioactive poison.

Another bookseller snatched by Chinese authorities

Chinese writer and bookseller Gui Minhai, whose books often criticize the Chinese government and provide details of the lives of government officials, was snatched from a public train last week. See here.
Witnesses reported seeing a dozen plainclothesed men approach him and whisk him away.

Chinese dissidents and government critics are often ‘disappeared’ without further explanation.

California municipalities sue oil companies claiming they face certain infrastructure destruction . . . but tell their banks and bond insurers that their infrastructures are rock solid!

More climate-change lies.

A group of California cities and municipalities including Oakland and San Mateo recently filed suit against Exxon and other fossil fuel companies alleging the companies are causing certain damage to the cities’ infrastructure due to catastrophic global warming.

But at the same time the same cities tell their bankers and bonding agencies that the cities rest on rock solid ground and that their infrastructures are in great shape for the future. See here.

The rich prepare to flee socialist California

California is a beautiful piece of earth made miserable through human central planning.

For years, California legislators and governors have hiked taxes, increased licensing requirements and imposed increasing wealth-redistribution programs on Californians.

Now the California government relies so heavily on the income taxes it collects from high earners that the state’s wealthiest 1 percent pay 48 percent of state income taxes.

Many in high tax brackets are government employees or stuck in their communities due to business locations.

Nonetheless, many are now considering fleeing to states such as no-income-tax Nevada or Texas. See here.

California, with one of the most expansive and intrusive governments in the world, now leads the nation in poverty and pollution.

Heller: Manmade Global Warming is the Biggest Scam in Science History

The brilliant data analyst Tony Heller has been catching government agencies lying about climate change for years.

Now he has produced a video laying out the evidence of the government’s fraud. See here.

Heller shows that the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) knowingly displays a deceptive graph at its headquarters in Boulder, Colorado.

The graph indicates that temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide are correllated.

But the graph does not show the relality that increased CO2 is CAUSED BY higher temperatures (because the oceans release more CO2 when they become warmer).

Global warming alarmists such as Laurie David (who produced Al Gore’s film ‘An Inconvenient Truth’) knowingly alter graphs to make it appear that CO2 CAUSES temperature changes.

Socialist California Leads Nation in Poverty

Years of high taxes, overregulation, and cops everywhere have taken their toll on California.

The state now leads the U.S. in rates and numbers of people living in poverty. See here. (This is true even though the State has the most social workers, biggest welfare programs and biggest wealth-redistribution operations.)

The State also has the largest homeless population despite spending the most on low-income housing programs, and the worst pollution despite spending more on environmental programs than any other State.