Mythical “Austerity” “Comes to an End” as Republicans Continue Spending Orgy

“Austerity” means cuts in government spending and/or benefits. The word often appears in mainstream news reports and on the lips of politicians who decry it.

Yet austerity has not been seen in any western government anywhere in the world in generations. The governments of all western countries have grown and grown in relation to their private sectors.

The western world (and much of the eastern and developing worlds for that matter) are choking on government programs, policies, cops and soldiers.

Roughly half of the people in most western countries survive at the expense of the other half, by means of government control and redistribution.

In the U.S. the voters have repeatedly voted for politicians who promised to cut government size, scope and power. Now all 3 branches of the federal government and the vast majority of state governments are dominated by “conservatives” who were elected to cut government.

But government seems to win every time despite the will of the people. Now the U.S. Congress is approving yet another record-setting spending bill.

“The Republicans’ massive $1.3 trillion “omnibus” spending bill has at least one enthusiastic fan: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).

Schumer proudly proclaimed Thursday that the deal shows that America’s “era of austerity” has “come to an end.” See here.

Thousands more flee California

High taxes. Overregulation. Cops everywhere.

Thousands of Californians are opting to leave.

Many of them are poor people struggling for daily survival under mountains of laws, regulations, and government programs.

This CNBC story documents the exodus. Note that the story also blames high housing costs. But the government of California has spent more on socialistic “affordable housing programs” than any other state government.

74 percent of Americans say a “Deep State” controls national policy

Monmouth University has conducted a poll asking Americans about their opinions of the ‘deep state.’

Republicans, Democrats and Independents all agree: a ‘deep state’ composed of unelected manipulators secretly controls national policy from behind the scenes.

in all, 74 percent of Americans say a deep state is driving national policymaking. See here.

South Australians vote to oust climate-change apocalypticists

“Climate change” hysteria is the quintessential issue of wealthy elites; yet those who promote it present it as a grass-roots movement fighting ‘big money’ corporations.

Government trusters know their fanatical apocalyptic climate claims are unsupported by voting majorities. So they employ various techniques to try to get around this problem.

They frequently claim that evil fossil-fuel companies have manipulated the masses by promoting “denial.” As such, they mix their climate hysteria with hysterical claims about political influence and the need for “campaign finance reform.” (And when their most-heavily-funded candidates lose elections to lesser-funded candidates, they concoct other theories, such as “Russians.”)

Total dollars spent on “climate skepticism” institutions are probably less than a penny on the dollar compared to total spending designed to promote the government theory of manmade-global-warming-by-CO2.

Now the South Australians have voted overwhelmingly to oust the politicians promoting the government climate hysteria.See here.

In the U.S., the politicians who most hysterically promote the climate-change theory frequently speak to empty chambers. Here is a story about Rhode Island’s U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, who often gives speeches on both climate hysteria and campaign-finance issues (generally mixing the two issues together–as he must) to empty halls.

More layoffs at pro-government newspapers

The pro-government Denver Post employed 600 reporters a decade ago. Last week the paper announced it would soon be cutting its news staff from 90 to about 60.

The Chicago Tribune also laid off Fourteen newsroom staffers this week.

Last month, the San Jose Mercury News was hit with another round of terminations, as many as 27 staffers were either laid off or bought out.

In late January, the East Bay Times wiped out a quarter of its editorial staff through layoffs and buy outs — a total of 28 staffers.

Government supporting (and supported) newspapers continue to lose paying readers and subscribers. See here.

Denver Post cuts one-third of newsroom jobs

Pro-government, or “mainstream” news sources are dying. Readers won’t pay for government propaganda.

Now there is word that the Denver Post is eliminating one-third of its newsroom staff. See here.

Harvard study: Heart attack patients have higher survival rates when the doctor is away

An astounding study finds that heart attack patients who arrive at hospitals when the government-licensed doctor is away HAVE HIGHER SURVIVAL RATES than those who see a doctor.

The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports on the study here.

The study found that 19.5 percent of patients died within 30 days of admission when the doctor was present, but just 16.9 percent died when the cardiologist was away.

Reasons are unclear. It may be that government-approved physicians are trained to administer more traumatic emergency procedures–such as stents–while lower-level nurses and staff focus on immediate survival. Patients who manage to survive the initial minutes of a heart attack then become more likely to take charge of their own health when no doctor is available.

Defense Attorneys Notice Secret Hidden Microphone in their Inmate Client Meeting Room–and are Ordered to Keep Quiet About It!

A declassified document has been recently found attached to a court filing in a federal court case. The document reveals that defense lawyers for the alleged bombers of the USS Cole quit the case after discovering a microphone in their special client meeting room.

Even more startling is that the lawyers were ordered not to either talk about or investigate the microphone. The Miami Herald has broken the story.

Rick Kammen, a seasoned death-penalty defender, along with Rosa Eliades and Mary Spears, all resigned from the legal team of the defendants.

Turkish government sentences 24 journalists to prison for ‘supporting terrorism’

Pro-government journalism has always been the world’s safest profession.

Anti-government journalism has always been the world’s most dangerous profession.

Now there is news that a court in Turkey has sentenced 24 journalists who asked too many questions to prison. Their alleged crime? Supporting ‘terrorism.’

According to the New York Times,

Most of the journalists worked for news organizations that are considered friendly to Fetullah Gulen, a cleric living in seclusion in a small town in Pennsylvania. The Turkish government claims that Mr. Gulen leads a shadowy, violent movement aiming to overthrow President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Twenty-two of the journalists were sentenced to 6¼ to 7½ years in prison. The other two were given time served.

Recently the Turkish government has also purged tens of thousands of people suspected of disloyalty from the government and the military, and thousands more have been arrested and charged with supporting terrorism.

Government “rescue” officers refused to Rescue Students in Parkland School Shooting

New revelations from the Florida Parkland School Shooting.

It seems that Broward County, Florida officials gave the order that no rescues or medical emergency assistance should be provided to the shooting victims. See here.

Government “search and rescue” officials frequently prohibit the public from helping or rescuing those in peril, preferring to have government take all credit for rescues.