Images destined to join other icons of the climate doomsday scam

Last month, almost every major newspaper in the world published photos of Greenland sled dogs skating through ankle-deep water atop Greenland’s supposedly-disappearing ice sheet.

Some journalists were almost apoplectic in their accompanying stories: CNN wrote that “The incredible photo . . . quickly went viral, destined to join pictures of starving polar bears, shrunken glaciers, stranded walruses and lakes turned bone dry in the pantheon of evidence of our ongoing climate catastrophe.”

But now the Danish scientists who took the photos explain that the photos show nothing unusual about Greenland’s ice conditions. Similar photos have been taken over many generations.

Ironically, the image reveals the resiliency of sea ice around Greenland, which is as much as FOUR FEET THICK below the meltwater.

In general, ice in the Arctic has been GROWING FOR A DECADE. See here. And ice in the Antarctic is near all-time record highs.

Piles of stolen mail found in deceased U.S. postal worker’s storage locker

Another U.S. Postal worker has been found to have stolen mountains of mail. The U.S. Postal Service maintains an unconstitutional monopoly over 1st class letter delivery; and the “Service” protects its monopoly with brutal tactics.

The USPS enjoys every possible advantage in the market. It pays no corporate, property, or income tax. It owns some of the most prestigious real estate in the world. It charges more than twice what any private firm would charge for the same services. It maintains massive surveillance files on its unknowing customers.

Yet the USPS loses about $5 billion annually. It grossly overpays its employees, and thousands apply for every announced job opening.

Now, investigators in Hawaii have discovered that a deceased Postal worker kept a private storage locker filled with stolen first-class mail.

In 1844, the U.S Government violently destroyed the private mail company of this University’s namesake, Lysander Spooner. Spooner’s mail company provided cheaper, better postage services than the U.S. Postal Service, and the USPS responded to the competition by arresting Spooner’s deliverymen and banning them from railroads.

Heavily-armed federal tactical teams ultimately raided Spooner’s mail offices and shut down Spooner’s operation.

1000Frolly: Ice Core Records May not be an Accurate Measure of Historic CO2 Levels in Earth’s Atmosphere

New research and discovery is causing some scientists to question whether modern CO2 levels are really much different today than CO2 levels in the past.

Today CO2 levels in the atmosphere have reached some 411 parts per million. This is something like 4 one hundredths of one percent of molecules in the atmosphere. Many scientists rely on measurements taken at Mauna Loa, Hawaii since 1958. Prior to the placement of the Mauna Loa observatory, however, atmospheric CO2 levels were not systematically measured.

Consequently, scientists have looked to “proxies” to try to determine CO2 levels in Earth’s past. The most commonly consulted proxy is the content of ice cores obtained near Vostok, Antarctica.

Scientists obtain the cores by drilling down through Antarctic ice and then examining the gas content of layers of ancient ice. From this technique, some scientists have claimed that CO2 levels were generally stable across time at around 200 to 220 ppm until the Mauna Loa observations.

But there are grounds to challenge the accuracy and validity of the CO2 levels found in the ancient ice core samples as a measurement of atmospheric CO2 levels of the past.

A video by “1000Frolly,” an Australian climate scientist, points out that the ice core records may not be valid for measuring CO2. The ice core records do not correlate with other known proxy methods for measuring atmospheric CO2. (For example, records of fossilized plant stomata, which are tiny holes in plant leaves through which CO2 enters plants, seem to indicate CO2 levels were generally quite high (and quite variable) in the past.

“1000Frolly” suggests that the “Knudsen diffusion effect” may account for the seeming low levels of CO2 found in ice core samples. This effect occurs when pressure from ice pushes CO2 and other gasses to escape from the ice.

Big Journalism laments: almost no one will voluntarily pay for pro-government “news”

In the digital age there are more reporters, bloggers, and information providers than ever before. And almost all of it is free.

Big Journalism–the government-supporting (and supported) “mainstream” news complex–is beside itself with anger and frustration.

Every investigation into major news sources such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC, ABC, CBS and other outlets has found that much “mainstream” news is secretly funded or supported by government agencies or officials.

Although such alleged news sources may occasionally report critically on a specific government official, the news sources almost never criticize the intrusive structure of government itself.

Now a Reuters Institute poll and study of news consumers finds that very few are likely to ever voluntarily pay for the pro-government “news.”

The poll may have been the first of its kind to find that the most critical, discerning news readers are the most likely to reject the “mainstream” news agenda.

About a third of British leave voters–those who courageously voted for the Brexit in England in 2016–indicated they lost trust in mainstream news sources when they realized that much mainstream news content simply wasn’t true.

Sowell: I’ve never met an economist who advocated a “trickle down theory”

It is one of the most frequent anti-free-market arguments made by pro-government extremists: that libertarian free-market advocates believe in a “trickle down theory” of economics—a notion that easing taxes (“giving tax breaks to the rich” in the words of government trusters) will let some wealth trickle down to the poor.
According to legendary economist and author Thomas Sowell, the “trickle down theory” strawman is one of the most effective smears by pro-government extremists. Sowell, one of the earth’s most foremost authorities on economic theory, says he has never met a single economist who actually believes in such a theory.

“Certainly none of the innumerable fellow economists I have encountered in my 88 years ever advocated any such theory. Nor am I aware of anyone else, in any other walk of life, who has done so.”

“The next time someone talks about the ‘trickle-down’ theory, ask them to tell you where specifically you can find the writings, videos, or any other evidence of someone advocating that theory.”

Press freedom is in a downward spiral worldwide

More governments are taking over news publishing and distribution.

Even as alternative media is flourishing in some corners of the globe, governments everywhere are seeking to license, monitor and control what is said.

The Russian government has purchased the largest national newspaper, infusing it with pro-government bias.

China’s Communist Party has sought to expand its influence over media production and dissemination channels abroad.

The Hungarian and Serbian governments have snuffed out critical journalism and consolidated media ownership into pro-government hands.

In India, the government has sought to pressure independent media in selection of television licenses and has supported campaigns to discourage speech that is “antinational,” according to Freedom House.

Poll: Americans view government as greatest purveyor of fake news and recognize press freedom as the solution

Concern over “fake news” has become a major theme of government and government-supporting news media. In recent years, several “fact-checker” organizations have been launched, with major funding from deep state sources such as George Soros and the New York Times organization. In general, such “fact-checkers” label information generated by critics and skeptics of government as unreliable or “fake news.”

Last year, Jill Abramson, a self-styled gatekeeper of the mainstream journalism establishment, published a book entitled “Merchants of Truth” which extolled the virtues of so-called legacy media and condemned alternative news sources as inherently unreliable and unethical. Abramson’s book was later found to be filled with plagiarism and inaccuracies.

Recently the Pew Research Center conducted a poll whose results were viewed as startling to some. The Drudge Report, often considered the king of alternative news sources, ran with the headline “POLL SHOCK: MORE WORRIED ABOUT ‘FAKE NEWS’ THAN TERROR.”

But the details of the poll do not support the conventional narrative. While many are concerned about fake news, THEY BLAME POLITICAL LEADERS, not alternative news journalism, for misleading the public. And while some 79 percent say “steps must be taken” to combat fake news, they generally indicate that news reporters themselves must step up to fix the problem.

Glacier National Park Quietly Removes Its ‘Gone by 2020’ Signs

Glaciers Appear to be Growing, not Melting in Recent Years

By Roger I. Roots, J.D., Ph.D.,
Founder, Lysander Spooner University

May 30, 2019. St. Mary, Montana. Officials at Glacier National Park (GNP) have begun quietly removing and altering signs and government literature which told visitors that the Park’s glaciers were all expected to disappear by either 2020.

In recent years the National Park Service prominently featured brochures, signs and films which boldly proclaimed that all glaciers at GNP were melting away rapidly. But now officials at GNP seem to be scrambling to hide or replace their previous hysterical claims while avoiding any notice to the public that the claims were inaccurate. Teams from Lysander Spooner University visiting the Park each September have noted that GNP’s most famous glaciers such as the Grinnell Glacier and the Jackson Glacier appear to have been growing—not shrinking—since about 2010. (The Jackson Glacier—easily seen from the Going-To-The-Sun Highway—may have grown as much as 25% or more over the past decade.)

The centerpiece of the visitor center at St. Mary near the east boundary is a large three-dimensional diorama showing lights going out as the glaciers disappear. Visitors press a button to see the diorama lit up like a Christmas tree in 1850, then showing fewer and fewer lights until the diorama goes completely dark. As recently as September 2018 the diorama displayed a sign saying GNP’s glaciers were expected to disappear completely by 2020.

But at some point during this past winter (as the visitor center was closed to the public), workers replaced the diorama’s ‘gone by 2020’ engraving with a new sign indicating the glaciers will disappear in “future generations.”

Almost everywhere, the Park’s specific claims of impending glacier disappearance have been replaced with more nuanced messaging indicating that everyone agrees that the glaciers are melting. Some signs indicate that glacial melt is “accelerating.”

A common trick used by the National Park Service at GNP is to display old black-and-white photos of glaciers from bygone years (say, “1922”) next to photos of the same glaciers taken in more recent years showing the glaciers much diminished (say, “2006”). Anyone familiar with glaciers in the northern Rockies knows that glaciers tend to grow for nine months each winter and melt for three months each summer. Thus, such photo displays without precise calendar dates may be highly deceptive.

The ‘gone by 2020’ claims were repeated in the New York Times, National Geographic, and other international news sources. But no mainstream news outlet has done any meaningful reporting regarding the apparent stabilization and recovery of the glaciers in GNP over the past decade. Even local Montana news sources such as The Missoulian, Billings Gazette and Bozeman Daily Chronicle have remained utterly silent regarding this story.

(Note that since September 2015 the author has offered to bet anyone $5,000 that GNP’s glaciers will still exist in 2030, in contradiction to the reported scientific consensus. To this day no one has taken me up on my offer.)

Virginia Beach: Another enraged government employee kills over a dozen people

Privileged, highly paid government authorities with boundless authority continue their mass-murder rampages.

Over the past several years thousands of Americans have been murdered by government workers or retired government workers, who view violence against their fellow man as a privilege of governmental authority.

Government employees are now the wealthiest class in American society, surpassing private business owners and all other types of workers in average wealth and income. The wealthiest 5 counties in the U.S. are now the counties surrounding Washington, D.C. In many other communities, the largest homes are owned by present or former government employees. Sources say the extravagant pay and benefits, vast authority and immunity from accountability bestowed upon contemporary government officials gives them a sense of entitlement not unlike the kings and queens of yesteryear.

In October 2018, retired millionaire former IRS employee Stephen Paddock reportedly gunned down 59 country music fans at a festival in Las Vegas. Last November, former Marine corporal Ian David Long murdered 12 country fans at a country bar in Thousand Oaks, California. Undercover FBI asset Omar Mateen reportedly gunned down 49 Americans at the Pulse Night Club in Orlando, Florida.

Now a municipal worker in Virginia Beach, Virginia, DeWayne Craddock, has murdered a dozen of his coworkers at the Municipal Center in Virginia Beach. Sources say Craddock’s 12-year term of employment was coming to an end. Craddock sprayed the halls and offices of the building with gunfire while many victims were attending Friday ice cream socials in the building. (Government workers were enjoying TWO ice cream birthday parties simultaneously in the Municipal Center.)

Like so many other violent government employees, Craddock was a military veteran. Critics say that fear of returning to the private sector generates great stress for many government workers, who are effectively disabled after being pampered with leisure time, extravagant pay and other benefits in the public sector.

The Guardian Newspaper announces new “style guide”: reporters must write hysterically about the climate

On May 17, The Guardian announced a new “style guide” for its reporters writing on climate-related issues. The Guardian claims it “updated its style guide to introduce terms that more accurately describe the environmental crises facing the world. Instead of “climate change” the preferred terms are “climate emergency, crisis or breakdown” and “global heating” is favoured over “global warming”, although the original terms are not banned.”

Even as the earth’s climate appears to be more pleasant than ever, with fewer hurricanes, fewer deaths from disasters, and record yields of major food crops, governments and government trusters are amping up their rhetoric about theory of apocalyptic-man-made-global-warming-by-CO2. Critical analysis or skepticism are increasingly shunned in government-supporting newspapers.

The LA Times has banned all letters to the editor which question the government theory. The Portland, Oregon School district has banned all school materials which question the theory.