Category: Beware

Philadelphia sewage flows directly into City drinking water

Drinking water delivered by municipal governments is often dirtier and more toxic than water from any other source. And when one does the math, one almost always finds that government-provided drinking water is vastly more expensive (in the aggregate) than private-sector alternatives. Now there is news that the City of Philadelphia’s public water supplies are …

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There is increasing evidence that Google, Facebook and Twitter are censoring climate skepticism and colluding with each other in doing so

During the final years of the Obama Administration, executives at Google, Facebook and Twitter were regularly meeting with Obama in the White House. Not long after, all 3 internet giants (which together rake in more than 85% of all online ad revenue) began promoting the “net neutrality” concept for a government takeover of the internet, …

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Remember all those emails to the FCC just prior to the FCC’s anti-‘net neutrality’ vote? They were mostly fraudulent.

Remember last week in the run-up to the FCC’s vote to overturn the prior FCC’s “net neutrality” takeover of the internet (from 2 years ago)? “Mainstream” (meaning government-approved–and approving) media news reported that the public supported the 2015 government takeover of the internet and opposed the current FCC’s vote to overturn the prior FCC’s vote. …

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Montana’s “conservative” Secretary of State supports government takeover of the internet

by Roger I. Roots, founder and president, Lysander Spooner University In 2016 I was the Libertarian candidate for Montana Secretary of State. I remember receiving a phone call from Corey Stapleton, my Republican opponent. Stapleton begged me to drop out of the race, telling me that he was really libertarian on most issues and that …

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Largest governments agree to censor, ban and control ‘terror’ messaging in media

Every government ultimately comes for all freedom, all resources, all property, and to kill or cage all who resist. Now the “G7” (the world’s 7 most powerful governments) are combining with a common goal: to push for controls on the internet which are deemed “terrorist” or “jihadist.” See here. (Of course, nothing said here should …

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Ice is above normal at both poles; Global sea levels are going DOWN

One of the recurring claims of pro-government voices is that apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 is causing sea levels to rise due to melting ice in the Arctic and Antarctic. Government trusters use this claim to demand ever more government power, taxation, and central planning by elitists. But the precise opposite is true. NASA data confirm that global sea …

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Spanish government shuts down freedom elections in Catalonia; injures hundreds

Governments worldwide try to cast themselves as the voice of the people. They may publicly extol the virtues of democracy even as they do everything in their power to undermine and thwart the will of people to be free. Governments secretly (and sometimes openly) spend vast portions of their treasuries to propagandize, brag, and publish …

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Florida sheriffs will do warrant checks on all hurricane victims seeking shelter

During times of disaster and crisis, governments become the greatest source of danger for most Americans. The New York Times is reporting that the Polk County, Florida sheriff will be doing background checks and warrant checks on all victims of Hurricane Irma seeking ‘shelter’ at any of the government-designated shelters in the county. If anyone …

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Scores of protesters expose Ben & Jerry’s ice cream lies

The Associated Press is reporting that “Scores of dairy farm workers and activists marched Saturday on a Ben & Jerry’s [ice cream] factory to push for better pay and living conditions on farms that provide milk for the ice cream maker that takes pride in its social activism….. See here. Although we at Lysander Spooner …

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More than 90 % of IRS “structuring” enforcements are aimed at innocent Americans

Some (but not all) Americans are aware that all banks are required to report to the IRS whenever a customer deposits or withdraws cash in the amount of $10,000 or more. The stated aim of this federal law is to catch criminal activity such as money laundering and drug trafficking. Often, the IRS swoops in …

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