Author's posts
Aug 10
Starving Venezuelans Break into Zoo to Eat Rare Horse
Socialism is a curse that should be wished only on a hated enemy. Just 15 years ago, Venezuela was a rising, thriving, dynamic society. Today, after 15 years of government central planning, men die in the streets fighting over pennies. People drink dirty water. Hookers sell themselves for food scraps. Now there is news that …
Aug 10
Former Communist Countries that Rapidly Shifted to Market Economies Fared Better than those that went Gradually
Markets are a miracle cure. They transformed stone age societies with no plumbing and no electricity into world commercial powers with long life expectancy, advanced art and culture and healthy populations in only two generations (South Korea, Singapore, Tiawan, etc.). When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, 27 former Soviet countries faced an uncertain …
Aug 09
Vast Majority of Americans Dispute Government’s Claim that CO2-Caused Climate Change is “Settled”; Oppose Persecution of Doubters
Last Month the Democratic National Platform was changed to support government prosecution of those who doubt the government’s apocalyptic-global-warming-by-human-produced-carbon-dioxide theory. Now there is polling showing the VAST MAJORITY of voters–Republicans, Democrats and Independents–oppose such persecution. In fact, the VAST MAJORITY disagree that “the science is settled,” as government voices loudly decree. Only 25 percent of …
Aug 08
Government experts now claiming glaciers at GNP are melting faster than predicted!
Throughout Glacier National Park there are signs, posters and statements predicting that all of GNP’s glaciers will disappear by around 2030. The government films and flyers provided at GNP also make this claim. A new government website–published by the U.S. Geological Survey–now suggests this (2030) prediction is too conservative: A computer-based climate model predicts that …
Aug 08
South American Socialism has destroyed the environment
Professor Thomas Dilorenzo of Loyola University of Maryland writes about the way that socialism destroyed the environment of the old Soviet Bloc: The world learned that the socialist countries dumped untreated sewage into their rivers, streams, and lakes for decades; the Volga River in Russia was so polluted that boat were equipped with signs warning …
Aug 07
North Korean socialism devastated the environment
Government social planning in North Korea has destroyed much of the natural ecosystem. The poverty and starvation caused by North Korean socialism has led many North Koreans to eat grass and bark from trees. Consequently, the nation has lost a million hectares of forest. See here. Even the pro-government PBS NOVA program has commented on …
Aug 07
FIRST AMENDMENT LECTURE: Every Claim of Campaign Finance Reformers is Untrue
It is perhaps the biggest myth in American politics: that the private sector is “buying” elections through campaign spending. A version of this myth goes further and contends that capitalist billionaires are using political ads to move American government toward more free-market policies. One can find dozens of books (and hundreds of politicians) making these …
Aug 07
Government pushed “Medicaid Expansion” on State Governments with False Price Claims
When Obamacare was pushed down American’s throats in 2009, the Act allowed states to opt out of “Medicaid Expansion.” Those state legislatures that did opt out were bullied and lied to about the costs. Within the states, loud movements of shrill government trusters arose who constantly accused any skeptical state legislator of being partisan or …
Aug 06
Our annual research trip to Glacier National Park: weekend of September 9-11
The average date of first freeze in East Glacier, Montana falls around September 13. Around this date every year, summer melting begins to cease and snow and ice tend to start growing again in the Glacier Park area. Last year, Lysander Spooner University launched our climate change glacier-chasing research project. We aim to photograph and …
Aug 06
Dr. Roger Roots will Lecture on the Myths of Campaign Finance Law in Missoula on September 12
The Missoula Public Library will host a free lecture and clinic on September 12, 2016 at 6:30 pm. Speaking will be Dr. Roger Roots, J.D., Ph.D. The title: “Every Claim Untrue: the False Narrative of Campaign Finance Reformers.” Dr. Roots will show that every material claim by people promoting campaign finance regulation is false. Roots …