Author's posts
Aug 30
Be afraid. Homeland Security to Take over Elections
Be afraid. Be very afraid. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has announced that it will take jurisdiction over the U.S. election system. Elections, declared the Department, are “critical infrastructure.” Upon the ruse, er. , . . justification of protecting elections from foreign hackers, the Department has announced it intends to oversee U.S. elections. See …
Aug 30
The 15-Year “National Emergency”
U.S. President Obama has officially extended the national emergency that was declared after 9/11/2001: “Because the terrorist threat continues, the national emergency declared on September 14, 2001, and the powers and authorities adopted to deal with that emergency must continue in effect beyond September 14, 2016.” Few Americans are aware of how many ongoing “national …
Aug 30
More and more Americans are stealing pet medication
Overregulation and criminalization of medicine is driving more and more Americans to steal prescribed medications from their pets. See here.
Aug 28
Venezuelan government searches and punishes those who sign anti-government petitions
Starving Venezuelans are circulating petitions to recall their president and other officials who impose the horrors of socialism upon them. The Venezuela Constitution provides for such recall petitions. “Nearly two million Venezuelans have signed the recall petition.” President “Maduro’s underlings are unjustly harassing and even arresting citizens circulating the recall petition — just as previous …
Aug 27
Government adjustments to temperature history show 10 times the warming that actually occurred.
Data expert Tony Heller began scrutinizing government temperature data sets a few years ago. Heller has exposed many scandals involving the tendency of government agencies to ‘adjust’ the temperature record to bolster the claims of socialists that manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 will doom the earth unless governments take over all world industries. Now Heller has found that government …
Aug 27
Government cracks down on private rescuers in Louisiana floods
During Hurricane Katrina, government troops erected roadblocks to keep out (private sector) rescuers. Government agencies wanted credit for any rescues. Entire trucks filled with needed supplies, such as Wal-Mart semis carrying bottled water to the Hurricane victims, were turned away. Government agents wanted to deliver water to the victims (albeit a few days later and …
Aug 27
D.C. Minimum Wage Hike has already Cost 1,400 Jobs
Trusters of government rarely think beyond what Thomas Sowell calls “Stage One.” The District of Columbia–like many regions of the United States–has recently enacted an increased minimum wage for all D.C. workers. Employers must pay them $11.50 per hour. You know, . . . to help the poor. It seems the minimum wage increase has …
Aug 21
Swedish Socialism Stopped Prosperity in its Tracks
Sweden was a very prosperous country in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-centuries because it was a limited government, low-tax society that spawned many great inventors and entrepreneurs (Alfred Nobel, Volvo, and Saab). “But that prosperity was stopped in its tracks when Sweden adopted “democratic socialism” in mid-century. As a result, Sweden ate up (with …
Aug 20
U.S. Military Can’t Account for $6.5 TRILLION; Millions of Lost Records
Trusters of government view the military as an indispensable protection from invasion. Some even claim the U.S. military protects Americans’ freedom. By any measure, however, Americans’ freedoms have been in decline even as military budgets have increased. For as long as human records exist, military forces have been a source of despotism, tyranny, and enslavement. …
Aug 19
Bozeman “daycare” reports parents to the police because a child’s birthmark resembled a bruise
Boycott “Roots Nature School.” Impeach and slash the budgets of Gallatin County Sheriff Brian Gootkin. The Bozeman-area daycare called government “Child Protective Services” (CPS) after finding a mark on a child’s chest. They claim they suspected the child’s parents of abusing the child. However, the mark on the child’s chest was a birthmark. The parents …