Author's posts

Every claim behind Obamacare has been proven false

Supporters of the “Affordable Care Act” said that the Act would save the average American family $2,500 per year. Instead the Act has increased health care costs by thousands of dollars per household. One-third of American counties now have only one health insurer. Insurance companies are losing hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Their reaction …

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Mainstream Science appears to be ignoring hundreds of peer-reviewed papers showing global cooling in the 1960s and ’70s

Industrial production and coal-fired power plants were exploding worldwide after World War II. Carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere was also increasing rapidly. Hundreds of scientific papers have documented that global temperatures appeared to have been declining between the 1950s and late 1970s. But today’s government-funded scientists seem to ignore this data–or pretend that it …

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Fewer than one-third of Americans have any trust in the mass media

Gallup has been asking Americans how much they trust the news media since 1972. This trust has been declining slowly for years, as the media has increasingly supported intrusive, expansive government. Now fewer than one-third of Americans express any trust in the news media. See here.

Chicago neighborhood discovers the magic of privately-funded police protection

Interesting story out of Chicago, which has suffered under a torrent of violent street crime over the past few years. It seems some private citizens have started paying for private police patrols out of their own pockets. Neighbors are overwhelmingly supportive of the idea, and there are preliminary observations that the crime situation has greatly …

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All U.S. Supreme Court justices are graduates of just three Ivy League law schools. None are Protestants.

. Justices Kagan and Sotomeyer have recently been speaking about the lack of educational diversity on the Supreme Court. See here. Five of the current justices graduated from Harvard Law School. The other three went to Yale. Justice Ginsburg started at Harvard and graduated from Columbia. None are Protestants. While religious affiliation may seem trifling, …

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Colorado lawmakers inquire into the censorship imposed by state professors

There is no valid reason for governments to OWN universities. Every argument in favor of government universities is easily disproved. (For example, government universities have DECREASED the proportion of poor students in higher education, not increased it, see here; MOST government-funded research at government universities is flawed or false, see here; and government universities churn …

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Venezuela now has ‘single payer’ food distribution

It is the dream of every government supremacist: to require that all food, medicine, education and other vital goods and resources be provided by the state. Venezuela was once among the most productive and dynamic countries in Latin America. Now after 15 years of socialism, Venezuelans are eating out of garbage cans, hunting dogs, cats …

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“Affordable Care Act” makes health insurance costs skyrocket 20 % or more in a dozen states

Government support and subsidies of health care increase demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise. Since the passage of Medicare in 1965, health care has risen in cost faster than inflation every single year. Meanwhile, less regulated hi-tec industries have produced LOWER prices for higher quality. Now there is word that Obamacare will cause …

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Government professors expressly forbid any skepticism of the government’s climate change theory–and tell students to drop course if they dispute

Government colleges and universities are some of the least free places in America. Now three professors co-teaching an online course called “Medical Humanities in the Digital Age” at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs have told their students that man-made climate change is not open for debate, and those who think otherwise have no place in …

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North Korean official executed for failing to sit upright while president speaks

Those who trust government most are often the first to be killed when their goals of government supremacy are reached. Now we read that North Korean Vice Premier Kim Yong Jin was executed for not keeping his posture upright at a public event. See here.