Author's posts

40 percent of government temperature adjustments are fake–based on no actual thermometer data

NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, has been “adjusting” the ‘official’ temperature record at an increasing rate. Now, “more than 40% of their adjusted monthly temperatures are now fake – i.e. no actual thermometer data behind them.” See here.

Overregulation will soon push thousands of doctors to abandon Medicare patients

If America’s health care industry were free, it would provide ever-higher quality medicine at steadily-decreasing cost. This is the pattern in most high tech industries where government control is limited. But since 1965, the U.S. government has been overregulating health care–driving costs higher and higher. Now, unless Congress approves some type of massive bailout, doctors …

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UN bans skeptical media from upcoming climate conference

The United Nations has refused to accredit three journalists associated with Canadian climate skeptic Ezra Lavant. The UN appears to be blacklisting skeptics from covering the upcoming global warming conference in Marrakech, Morocco. See here. The UN accuses Lavant’s “Rebel” journalists of being “advocacy journalists.” Yet opinion journalists comprise a large proportion of the thousands …

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Another U.S. Postal worker caught disposing of mail rather than delivering it

Many people believe the U.S. Postal Service monopoly is found in the Constitution. In fact, the Constitution merely says Congress has the power to establish a postal service. Not only is there no power to grant a postal monopoly in the Constitution, the OTHER provisions of the Constitution make it clear that Congress MAY NOT …

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More Americans are fleeing America’s overregulation to purchase health care in Mexico

Astounding developments from America’s experiment with overregulating health care. Not long ago, Americans had access to the finest health care on earth. But prices have been increasing faster than inflation for years, as government regulation has increased demand artificially. Now a headline in the USA Today reads: “For Californians living near the border, Mexico offers …

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Ad revenue for pro-government, er, . . . “mainstream,” newspapers is plummeting

For a decade, the pro-government newspapers of the western world have seen their ad revenues plunge as fast as their readerships. A new report based on ad-buying trends predicts that global spending on newspaper print ads will decline 8.7% to $52.6 billion by the end of 2016. In the internet age, “alternative” news sources are …

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Socialism Kills: Socialist Haiti lost 500 people to Hurricane Matthew; neighboring Dominican Republic lost 4

Socialist Haiti shares an island with the Capitalist Dominican Republic. One can see the difference between Haiti’s CO2 footprint and the Dominican Republic’s from space at night. Haiti sits in the dark as its people huddle in suffering, burning firewood instead of fossil fuels. Around 500 people died in in Haiti due to Hurricane Matthew. …

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Starving Venezuelan prisoners kill, dismember and eat a fellow inmate

Socialism is a curse that should be wished only on a hated enemy. As Venezuela plunges deeper into socialist terror, poverty and malnutrition, there are now reports that 40 Venezuelan prisoners killed, dismembered and ate an inmate. See here.

University of Florida offers 24/7 counseling for students traumatized by offensive Halloween costumes

America’s government colleges have been pushing a steady stream of elitist, pro-government socialism for generations. Now the University of Florida has issued a proclamation to students regarding the threat of politically incorrect Halloween costumes. “If you choose to participate in Halloween activities, we encourage you to think about your choices of costumes and themes. Some …

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Americans’ greatest fear: government

Our masters in government continuously tell us to trust the state and accept more government power and authority. The message is not getting out, however. Another poll shows that when Americans are asked about their greatest fears, THEY PUT GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION AT THE TOP. See here.