Author's posts
Apr 26
Pro- Government Extremist Faculty at Montana State University Vote to Deny Research Center named after Government-Critical Koch Brothers
America’s government-supported colleges and universities are temples of government worship and central planning. Almost any American who walks onto a college campus becomes immediately less free. MSU has speech codes and speech “zones.” The faculty at MSU spew a steady stream of pro-government extremist research and sentiment. Their “research” on such matters as campaign-finance policy, …
Apr 25
Government’s War on Science: CDC Concealed Results of Study that Supported Private Firearms
Back during the 1990s, the government “Center for Disease Control” (CDC) was caught spending vast funds to fund gun control “studies.” The agency produced a variety of studies blaring such headlines as “Guns in the home are 43 times more likely to kill a family member than an intruder.” See here. The government’s studies were …
Apr 24
Davidson College disinvites renowned anti-government history professor Burton Folsom for being ‘not academic enough’
Buton Folsom is one of America’s premier historians of ingenuity, economics and industry. His books and peer-reviewed articles are read widely. But Folsom takes a decidedly different perspective from most other humanities and social-science professors. His works often criticize regulation and government control. Recently a student group at government-supporting Davidson College (in North Carolina) arranged …
Apr 19
More U.S. postal workers arrested for keeping mail
Every inspection of U.S. Postal facilities has found stamped mail illegally destroyed, thrown in trashcans or hidden in workers’ vehicles or personal spaces. The U.S. Postal Service charges more than twice what a private sector business would charge for the same services, but maintains its monopoly on letter delivery by acts of Congress. The government …
Apr 16
Kentucky governor reveals the true value of public school teachers: mere babysitters
Kentucky’s school teachers are on strike, and the governor of Kentucky recently revealed what he thinks of their true purpose and value. Governor Matt Blevin said that without the government teachers, children may be drawn into drug use, assaulted, or raped. Nothing about children missing out on education. See here.
Apr 15
Syrian “chemical attack” was false flag operation carried out in real time under total public exposure
Governments no longer care that their false flag ‘terror attacks’ are now exposed by alternative news in real time. They rely on “mainstream” (government supporting and supported) “news media” to report the government version of events uncritically. On March 17–almost a month ago–“Russia Today,” the news network of the Russian government reported that “US instructors” …
Apr 08
Easter Island was wiped out by Little Ice Age; not manmade ecological collapse
Pro-government extremist Nicholas Kristof, a writer for the New York Times, recently repeated claims that the great sculptors of Easter Island were wiped out due to manmade environmental destruction. Similar claims were made by Professor Jared Diamond in his bestseller “Collapse”–a wide-ranging set of sociological essays culminating in a call for central planning by learned …
Apr 03
U.S. Supreme Court holds cops who shoot knife-holding citizens are immune from suit
Many Americans wonder why cops are so violent, aggressive and lawless. Why don’t they obey the Constitution or Bill of Rights? The answer is America’s judges. For more than a century, judges have enshrined cops as masters over the rest of humanity. Judges tend to hold that when a person gets hired as a cop …
Apr 03
Governments worldwide launch efforts to crush criticism of government, calling it “fake news”
Recently the government of Malaysia voted to ban “fake news” as defined by the government. A new law will punish those who spread misleading information by up to six years in prison. Although the New York Times described the law as the first of its kind, such laws have actually been enacted hundreds of times …
Apr 02
Seattle property taxes rise 43 percent in 4 years; hundreds prepare to flee
The Seattle Times reports that hundreds of home owners are preparing to sell their homes and leave the city. Property taxes have risen more than 40 percent during the past 4 years. The city has become known for pro-government politics, and its voters seem to vote for every proposed mill levy. In some areas, mill-levy …