Author's posts

Social Security Continues to Impoverish Seniors: 1 in 3 Will Live in Poverty in Response to the Program

Social Security is a program that takes money from poor people and transfers it to richer people. To the extent that America is defined by class structure (which can be debated), the poor tend to start working earlier in life, to pay into Social Security (and Medicare) longer, and to die younger. The rich tend …

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New York Times: College tuition costs have skyrocketed in spite of exponential government spending on higher education

The Easter weekend 2015 New York Times published a daring opinion piece by law professor Paul Campos, “The Real Reason College Tuition Costs So Much.” In the essay, Professor Campos demolishes the official conventional wisdom regarding government funding for higher education: ONCE upon a time in America, baby boomers paid for college with the money …

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“A Record of Total Failure”: Government Funding of Universities Has Produced a LOWER Percentage of Poor People in College

Why are taxpayers forced to OWN universities? Upon what logic do governments claim that owning colleges and universities is necessary? Especially when there are thousands of private-sector colleges and universities? The only plausible answer is that government-owned or supported colleges meet the needs of the poor in ways that private-sector colleges do not. But Professor …

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Government Temperature Predictions Are Averaging 2 to 5 Times Greater than Reality

University of Alabama in Huntsville climatologist John Christy compared 102 government-funded climate model predictions with actual temperature data and found that “their response to CO2 on average is 2 to 5 times greater than reality.” Here is the link.

Pro-Government Extremist Website Outraged That More People Trust Private-Sector Scientists Than Government-Funded Scientists, a government-cheerleader website that generally offers a steady stream of elitist, socialist, and pro-government extremist content, is shocked and outraged over new polling data that reveals Americans have a healthy skepticism toward government “climate science.” staff writer Lyndsey Abrams writes that Most strange, from these results, is that the largest proportion of respondents …

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Economist Robert Wenzel: Water is Just Like Any other Commodity; If Markets Were Free, Prices Would Quickly Eliminate Scarcity

Because governments have generally taken over control of water, consumers are confused and often oblivious to the true costs of the commodity. Municipalities sometimes divert BILLIONS OF DOLLARS taken from taxpayers into water delivery systems; yet consumers view their tapwater as “free.” If private sector entrepreneurs were allowed to provide water in a free market, …

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Except for rich, Americans’ incomes fell last year

Washington (AFP) – Most Americans’ incomes have fallen for two straight years, but the richest 20 percent saw theirs rise, a new Labor Department report showed Thursday. A combination of government policies, especially government licensing laws that keep as many as 30 percent of adult males from working in rewarding professions, along with rising government-imposed …

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Almost A Hundred Peer-Reviewed Studies Establish Correlations between Minimum-Wage Laws and Unemployment Rates

When politicians vote to impose or raise minimum wages, they put poor people out of work and INCREASE poverty. No one has ever calculated how many economic studies establish the correlation between minimum-wage laws and unemployment rates. But the number is in the many dozens and probably in the hundreds. Minimum wage laws have done …

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Federal “Cybercrime” Investigators Seek Total Power over Internet; Are Caught Engaging in Online Identity Theft, Online Blackmail, Online Money Laundering, etc.

About a month ago, federal prosecutors successfully prosecuted an internet entrepreneur for launching a lucrative anonymous cyber exchange known as “the Silk Road.” FBI agents supposedly worked to investigate and shut down the free-exchange web network for several years. Federal efforts against “the Silk Road” exchange were accompanied by a massive across-federal-agencies offensive promoting more …

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The Data Are In: Increased Government Role in Health Care Leads to Lower Quality of Life For Most Americans

We all know health care prices have increased faster than the rate of inflation every year for more than 40 years, due to Medicare, Medicaid (and in the past couple years), the “Affordable Care Act.” Such government enactments increase demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise. If markets were allowed to be free, health …

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