Author's posts

The 3 Greatest Paragraphs ever written on Juries

Lysander Spooner was not just a brilliant scholar; he was a great writer. He wrote the three greatest paragraphs ever written on trial by jury. The three paragraphs introduced his readers to his brilliant essay/book Trial by Jury in the nineteenth century: For more than six hundred years — that is, since Magna Carta, in …

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Ninth Circuit Justice: the Ancient Writ of Habeas Corpus has Collapsed as a Protection for the Powerless

Stephen R. Reinhardt is one of America’s most premier “liberal” (in the old, traditional, suspicious-of-government sense) judges on the high federal bench. For years he has used his seat on the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to protect criminal defendants from the overreach of the American police state. Now Reinhardt has authored an enlightened …

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The New York Times–or at least the business model it is based on–is doomed

The New York Times reported a net loss of $14.4 million for the first quarter of 2015. This is startling enough. But the details foreshadow even darker “times” ahead for the Times. It seems that the New York Times corporation, which has long been dominated by a far-left, pro-labor and (generally) pro-government business philosophy, has …

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FBI Now Using Secret Airforce to Monitor Citizens’ Communications and Movements

It has now come out that the FBI has been operating a fleet of small aircraft to monitor and surveil Americans’ movements and communication without warrants. The story is here.

Rand Paul States the Obvious: Government Has a Stake in Promoting Terrorism So It Can Increase its Control and Power

Great USA Patriot Act theater as May turns into June 2015. U.S. Senator Rand Paul, arguing to allow the unconstitutional USA Patriot Act to expire, states that many people are hoping for new terrorist attacks on American soil, so that such attacks can be blamed on Rand Paul. The video and commentary are here. This …

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Former Speaker of U.S. House, Who Presided over a Vast Prisonization of American Life, Now Indicted by the Feds

During the 1990s through the 2000s, Americans saw the most extreme criminalization and prisonization of any society in human history. Policymakers at every level created and extended a vast police state, with thousands of prisons, cops all over every street, troopers patrolling every highway and warrantless surveillance of virtually all communications. At the lead of …

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More Secret Government Experiments on Unknowing Medical Subjects Come to Light

We all know of the diabolic experiments performed on political prisoners by the Nazis. A few are aware of the U.S. government’s Tuskeegee experiments, in which black men who went to clinics for checkups and routine treatments were injected—without their knowledge—with diseases and then monitored so that government agents could study the effects of such …

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Big-City, Government-Supporting Newspapers Are in a Death Spiral.

Last year 100 newspapers closed. Newspaper circulation has plummeted nationwide and newspaper ad revenue is down at least 50 percent in a decade. The major, pro-government, newspapers are dying–and being replaced by alternative sources for news and commentary. A Pew research report indicates that the newspaper industry is already largely unprofitable. Major papers such as …

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FBI Admits that Mass Data Collection has Never Stopped a Terrorist Act

How Many Terrorist Attacks Has the U.S.A. Patriot Act Prevented? Barack Obama (2 weeks after Edward Snowden’s revelations that the government was unconstitutionally monitoring all American phone and email traffic): “at least fifty.” In reality, most “terrorist” prosecutions since 9/11/2001 have been accusations of planning, talking, or training–frequently relying on the testimoney of undercover government …

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Obama Warns Coast Guard Graduates that Climate Skepticism might be Punished as “Dereliction of Duty”

President Obama was in New London, Connecticut on May 20, 2015 to deliver the keynote address at the United States Coast Guard Academy commencement. During the graduation speech, Obama warned graduates that denying manmade catastrophic global warming or refusing to deal with it is negligence and “dereliction of duty.” “If you see storm clouds gathering …

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