Author's posts
Nov 18
U.S. is Now Fighting to Keep its Overtaxed Corporations from Fleeing High Taxes
Two years ago, Burger King merged with Canada’s Tim Hortons chain and declared its merged corporation a Canadian company. The move saved Burger King and its long-suffering shareholders many millions annually in corporate taxes. The U.S.–once the flagship of world commerce and capitalism–now has the highest corporate tax rate on the surface of the earth. …
Nov 17
In Wake of Paris Attacks, U.S. Government Renews Attempts to Ban Encryption
Just a month ago, the WASHINGTON POST printed an expose’ on the U.S. government’s consistent attempts to ban ‘encryption’–meaning any tech device with password encoding prohibiting the government from gaining access to digital content. The government’s highest officials seemed to concede that they did not have the constitutional authority–or enough popular support–for a ban on …
Nov 16
While ANTARCTIC ice is at an all-time high, ARCTIC ice is at only a 10-year high
Satellites have only been in the sky for about 25 years or so. And their measurements of the world’s ice coverage show that ice in ANTARCTICA is at the highest level ever measured. While NASA admits this, its postings have suggested that ice totals in the northern hemisphere are declining. See here.But Danish data reveal …
Nov 15
Frequency of 90-degree days has plummeted
Steven Goddard’s ever-informative “Real Science” Blog has recently tracked a startling phenomenon: the sharp reduction in frequency of 90-degree summer days across the U.S. See here. In the mountainous counties of Montana, for example, we have had two consecutive summers in which temps did not approach 100 degrees even once. There were only a handful …
Nov 15
Government admits that severe weather deaths are at a 22-year low
It is a frequent claim by climate socialists that manmade CO2 emissions are causing more severe or bizarre weather. Now NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) admits that deaths due to severe weather are at a 22-year low in the U.S. See here. Only 333 people died from severe weather in 2014. Deaths from …
Nov 14
Conrad Black: the U.S. Justice Department is the World’s Largest Racketeering Organization
Canadian publisher and investor Conrad Black interviews Mark Steyn. Conrad Black describes the U.S. Justice Department as the world’s largest organized crime organization. As evidence of the collapse of America’s criminal courts, Black discusses the conviction rates of the U.S., Canada, and the UK: 99 percent conviction rate in the U.S. 61 percent in Ontario, …
Nov 14
Upcoming Courses in Washington, D.C.
Lysander Spooner University will be offering two courses in Washington, D.C. in conjunction with the Fully Informed Jury Association next week. Wednesday, November 18, 1:00 pm. The Sociology of Trial by Jury: This course will be located at the 2015 International Drug Policy Reform Conference, the largest anti-drug-war conference in the world. Dr. Roger Roots …
Nov 13
Self-driving cars are already safer than human-driven cars
On a per-mile basis, the automobile is the safest form of land transportation ever invented. See here. It is often said that planes are safer than cars; but on a per-trip or per-hour basis, cars are even safer than planes. Yet governments, for a century, have burdened car travel with reams of unnecessary rules and …
Nov 12
By Roger I. Roots, J.D., Ph.D., Founder, Those who promote manmade-global-warming hysteria cheered last week when the attorney general of New York announced that he was investigating Exxon to determine if Exxon has spent money to fund research by climate-change skeptics. The move followed a trendy notion that there is something improper about energy …
Nov 12
Dinosaur Era had 5 times the CO2 Levels of Today
Everyone is aware that the fossil record indicates that untold thousands if not millions of species have gone extinct. A 2014 study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences finds that dinosaurs in the Jurassic Period lived in an atmosphere that had FIVE TIMES HIGHER GREENHOUSE GAS CONCENTRATIONS than today’s atmosphere. There …