Author's posts

Another CIA Head Calls for Snowden’s Execution

Were the recent terrorist attacks in Paris committed or secretly caused by western intelligence operatives in order to drum up support for the military-industrial complex? There is certainly extensive evidence that the CIA and other western intelligence agencies have FUNDED “ISIS” and other supposedly “Islamist” terror groups. In any case, the Paris attacks have empowered …

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Largest Health Insurer Has Lost Millions under Obamacare

According the USA TODAY (see here): The nation’s largest health insurer warned Thursday that it may pull out of the Obamacare exchanges after 2016 – forcing more than a half million people to find other coverage – after low enrollment and high usage cost the company millions of dollars. The possible move by UnitedHealth Group …

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More Temp Data Tampering Behind claim that October 2015 was the “hottest October on Record”

In the past 3 days, virtually every major, government-approved newspaper has run a short story claiming that the recent October (2015) was the “hottest on record.” The official government claim is that the “normal” worldwide temperature for October is 1.04 degrees Celsius and that the recent month showed the largest “anomoly,” or was the farthest …

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Jury: Cops FRAMED Innocent Man for Murder

We’re all aware of the MORE THAN 200 CASES in which DNA evidence has proven that the justice system wrongly convicted innocent people. Most of these wrongful convictions are blamed on incompetence, bad police work, or general negligence. Now in a lawsuit over his wrongful 1981 murder conviction, Donald Gates (who spent 27 years in …

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USA TODAY Reports that Government spends hundreds of millions on propaganda

Trusters of expansive government routinely seek to gut the First Amendment and allow the government to have more control over political messaging. The recurring claim is that political messaging funded by the private sector “buys” elections and produces undue influence. But total spending by government on political messaging almost certainly DWARFS total spending on political …

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More than half of American households cannot scrape together $400

Frightening statistic in a new book: “HOW THE OTHER HALF BANKS,” by Mehrsa Baradaran. Government studies show that more than half of U.S. households cannot come up with $400 to cover a medical emergency without borrowing. Almost TWO-THIRDS OF AMERICAN HOUSEHOLDS lack enough savings to get by for three months. The book details the plight …

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U.S. is Now Fighting to Keep its Overtaxed Corporations from Fleeing High Taxes

Two years ago, Burger King merged with Canada’s Tim Hortons chain and declared its merged corporation a Canadian company. The move saved Burger King and its long-suffering shareholders many millions annually in corporate taxes. The U.S.–once the flagship of world commerce and capitalism–now has the highest corporate tax rate on the surface of the earth. …

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In Wake of Paris Attacks, U.S. Government Renews Attempts to Ban Encryption

Just a month ago, the WASHINGTON POST printed an expose’ on the U.S. government’s consistent attempts to ban ‘encryption’–meaning any tech device with password encoding prohibiting the government from gaining access to digital content. The government’s highest officials seemed to concede that they did not have the constitutional authority–or enough popular support–for a ban on …

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While ANTARCTIC ice is at an all-time high, ARCTIC ice is at only a 10-year high

Satellites have only been in the sky for about 25 years or so. And their measurements of the world’s ice coverage show that ice in ANTARCTICA is at the highest level ever measured. While NASA admits this, its postings have suggested that ice totals in the northern hemisphere are declining. See here.But Danish data reveal …

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Frequency of 90-degree days has plummeted

Steven Goddard’s ever-informative “Real Science” Blog has recently tracked a startling phenomenon: the sharp reduction in frequency of 90-degree summer days across the U.S. See here. In the mountainous counties of Montana, for example, we have had two consecutive summers in which temps did not approach 100 degrees even once. There were only a handful …

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