Author's posts
Jan 09
Watch out! Employees of government transport companies double as dope snitches!
There was a time, long ago, when “mass transit” was mostly provided by private companies. Passenger train, bus and jitney transportation was highly profitable. Fares were low. Trusters of government decried the outrageous profits of the “railroad barons” and demanded more regulations. The regulations made the industry less profitable, and train and bus fares increased. …
Jan 09
Chicago officials paid $5 million in hush money to keep police murder tape from leaking to the public; Payment was timed to save reelection campaigns
More darkness, evil and corruption out of the failed socialist city-state of Chicago. Information has surfaced that Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel and City lawyers conspired to pay $5 million in hush money to the family of murdered pedestrian Laquan McDonald. See here. You couldn’t make this stuff up if you were writing a horror script …
Jan 08
Will Glacier National Park’s glaciers be gone in four years?
by Dr. Roger I. Roots Last Fall I proposed a $5,000 bet that there will still be glaciers in Glacier National Park in 2030. This is contrary to DOZENS of signs inside Glacier National Park, as well as many government flyers and pamphlets that are handed out to GNP visitors. As of yet, no one …
Jan 07
Unintended Consequences: Government passes Rule to punish airlines that keep passengers too long on tarmacs; produces a sharp increase in flight cancelations
In the summer of 2007, there were news reports that commercial jets were occasionally stuck for hours waiting to depart. Government responded heroically. The Obama Administration decreed that if passengers on a plane are stuck on the tarmac for more than three hours, the carrier is liable for a fine of $27,500 per passenger. Now, …
Jan 07
New Study: only 5.8 % of people in highest 1 % are there two years in a row
A shocking new study shatters sacred myths of government trusters. Some 11% of Americans will join the Top 1% for at least one year during their prime working lives, according to research done by Thomas Hirschl, a sociology professor at Cornell University. But only 5.8% of the 1% will be in the 1% for two …
Jan 06
63 percent of Americans are one paycheck away from homelessness
If you save anything in modern America, you are an utter fool. Government policies, such as near-zero Fed interest rates, massive and growing levels of taxation and regulation, and increasing government barriers to entering most careers have hollowed out the financial strength of the American working class. New figures show that 63 percent of Americans …
Jan 06
Americans say government is their biggest problem again
Gallup has been asking people about the biggest threat to their lives and livelihoods every month for some time. For the past two years, a vast majority have said they view government as their greatest problem. See here. When Gallup asked Americans what troubles them most and is the chief threat to our way of …
Jan 05
In Effort to Strip Private Citizens of Guns, “Liberal” President Moves to Strip Mental Health System of Confidentiality
Every government ultimately comes for all freedom, all property, and to kill all who resist. For centuries, the law has recognized physician-patient confidentiality. Doctors who snitch on their clients or who disseminate private, confidential information regarding their patients have faced professional penalties. Now, in the never-ending quest of government to strip the private sector of …
Jan 03
It Appears that China may be Kidnapping or Killing Hong Kong Booksellers
Shocking story from Hong Kong, one of the freest countries on earth. For a century, Hong Kong was a British colony. It has a British style court system (complete with jury trials), protections for property rights, and relatively free markets. Hong Kong attracted millions of ethnic Chinese who fled the mainland. Over time, the average …
Jan 01
Federal Trade Commission Issues Guidelines Purporting to Regulate Ads that Appear too much like News
Every government ultimately comes for all freedom, all property, all money, and to kill all who resist. The Federal Trade Commission, whose jurisdiction is supposedly limited to . . . well, ‘trade,’ has just published new “native advertising” guidelines for print and digital publishers. See here. The guidelines purport to try to regulate the publication …