Author's posts
Jan 27
Bozeman Chronicle Finally Produces Evidence of Montana’s “Dark Money” “Corruption”: Politicians May have Approved of Volunteer Efforts Which Political Police Liken to ‘Contributions’ (!)
The Bozeman Daily Chronicle is, arguably, Montana’s most extreme pro-government publication. For years, the newspaper has poured out steady support for government control over political messaging under the auspices of campaign-finance regulation. (‘The private sector must never defend itself from regulation!’) It is rare that one reads the word “shadowy” outside the editorial pages of …
Jan 26
After government poisoned Flint, private companies donate clean water. Government trusters complain that this “sends the wrong message.”
Government officials purportedly “in charge” of Flint, Michigan ran the City into the ground after decades of corruption. Then the government secretly exposed the people of Flint to polluted, lead-contaminated drinking water. Yet those who trust and worship intrusive, expansive government are now complaining that Wal-Mart, Pepsi, Nestle, and Coca-Cola are offering to provide free …
Jan 26
Total Government Failure: Detroit Public Schools Spend as Much on Debt Service as Salaries & Benefits
Socialism is a curse that should be wished on one’s enemies. Markets always win in the end, and no big-government welfare state can outlive its financial irresponsibility. Here is a story about a public school system that has overpaid teachers and administrators so much for so many years that interest payments on its debts now …
Jan 26
More corporations fleeing high U.S. tax rates
The U.S., once the global flagship of capitalism, now has the world’s highest corporate tax rates. The New York Times reported this week that Johnson Controls is renouncing its U.S. corporate citizenship by selling itself to Tyco International, based in Ireland. This is designed to reduce the company’s tax bill, which it said should drop …
Jan 25
Who Needs Data? TIME Magazine already predicting 2016 will be the hottest year on record! reports that TIME Magazine recently (before 2016 even began) pronounced that 2016 will be the “hottest year on record.” See here.
Jan 25
Edward Snowden Exposes French “ISIS” Video as Fake
The CIA and other western intelligence agencies have been producing fake “Islamist” videos for years. Edward Snowden recently tweeted that a recent widely-viewed “ISIS” video was actually produced by “SITE,” a CIA front group. See here.
Jan 23
Government purports to issue “travel ban” for New York City
Under the Constitution and Bill of Rights, every person has freedom of movement and travel. Such rights are fundamental, natural rights, and it was once understood that any person had a right to use violence against any government official who tried to interfere with them. Including deadly violence if necessary. (Don’t believe me? Read Roger …
Jan 23
Governments of the Middle Ages Killed 50,000 Witches for Causing Climate Change
In this video, Dr. Sallie Baliunas, Staff Astrophysicist at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, discusses her research into the “climate change” hysteria that spread across Europe between the 1500s to the 1700s. Authorities prosecuted witches for acting with Satan to cause strange weather. Witch trials were administered by the most highly educated upper level …
Jan 23
Government-funded computer models have thus far not been able to predict temperatures for even short 10-year periods
Paul Dreissen posts a tribute to the wonderful Australian scientist Bob Carter, who died of a heart attack last week. See here. Carter exposed a number of climate-change claims as fraudulent. He documented that IPCC computer climate models have thus far not been able to predict warming or other climate changes accurately for even short …
Jan 22
“Alternative Energy”: California government to charge taxpayers millions to build electric-car charging stations
There seems to be a religious hatred among government trusters against fossil-fuel suppliers. A loathing almost as irrational as the unshakeable, almost hypersexual, love of self-styled “conservatives” for men in government uniforms. Even as petroleum products have been made cheaper and cheaper by private sector innovators, the government of California is poised to forcibly take …