Author's posts
Feb 13
Venezuelan socialism = rationing of electricity
Socialism is a curse that should be wished only on one’s worst enemies. Any society that embraces it will eventually become sick and weak. Venezuela was developing and prospering rapidly during the 1980s and ’90s. Then the country went hard-line socialist. Venezuelans are accustomed to severe shortages of cooking oil, diapers and other staple products. …
Feb 12
NASA’s budget increasingly reflects obsession with global warming
Libertarians have long identified NASA as among the most unnecessary of federal government programs and agencies. It is axiomatic that the private sector could achieve NASA’s space-exploration goals far more cheaply and effectively than the agency does. Now, NASA is wasting increasing segments of its budget on proving the government’s manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 theory. See here for …
Feb 12
If you save anything today, you are an utter fool
Governments everywhere benefit from central (government) banking. Central banking allows governments to extend their alleged “benefits” without directly and immediately taxing their oppressed subjects. Essentially, governments are able to game a society’s cost/benefit analysis and appear more attractive. But it is all a lie. Government deficit spending means that government currencies are constantly being debased. …
Feb 11
Carbon Dioxide Levels Projected to Increase Significantly
Scientists for BP (formerly British Petroleum) carefully analyzed carbon dioxide demands, needs, and outputs in the developing world. See above. (The red line indicates the CO2 level desired by the dreamers at the 2015 Paris Climate conference; the designation OECD stands for “Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,” or the industrialized, mostly-western countries. “Non-OECD” countries …
Feb 09
Record number of Americans retiring abroad
At least 375,000 retired Americans are now receiving their Social Security checks overseas. See here. Many countries are now freer than the U.S., and their costs of living are much lower. While U.S. programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare have driven health care prices higher and higher, medical treatments of the highest quality can …
Feb 09
Everything you need to know about “National Security”: The officials at the top are always the greatest threats to it
In 1998 some government documents were declassified which showed that the government was plotting mass murders of the American people in 1961. The 1961 plan, known as “Operation Northwoods,” was designed to get the American people to support a war against Cuba. The highest generals and admirals in the U.S. military were planning to crash …
Feb 08
Two Lost Decades for the banking industry
Almost all business regulation harms the poor and small businesses and helps the biggest industry leaders. And in the big picture, even the good ol’ boys are harmed. Look at the above graph (courtesy of CNBC, see here). It shows that the overall value of the banking industry is about the same as it was …
Feb 08
The 37-page Glass-Steagall Act was replaced with a thousand pages of banking laws. This is “deregulation” in the world of Bernie Sanders.
“Deregulation” is one of the great phantoms of our time. Pro-government pundits and presidential candidates like Bernie Sanders repeatedly claim that private-sector influence in political elections has produced “deregulation” in American industries. Yet regulation is easy to measure. One can count pages, paragraphs, sections, enforcement budgets or actions, etc. There has been no deregulation anywhere, …