Author's posts
May 10
Thousands of pictures of naked defendants found on judge’s computer
The practice of American law has increasingly departed from its original adversarial model. Over the past century, courts have increasingly favored the state over the citizenry. Here is a story of an Arkansas judge who apparently got into the practice of demanding that male defendants report to his house for “community service.” “[The pictures] depict …
May 10
New Jersey troopers arrest woman for remaining silent–then advise her of her right to remain silent!
The inquisitors of the Spanish Inquisition generally began their interrogations with a single question: “Do you know why we’ve summoned you here today?” The goal behind such questions was to get the hapless subject to admit to heresy or blasphemy. Nothing has changed since the 1300s Today it has become customary for troopers who pull …
May 10
Sowell: American schooling delivers uninterrupted worship of the state from kindergarten to grad school
Thomas Sowell is out with a column describing the sorry state of intellectual intolerance at most of America’s government-supported colleges and universities. Sowell says that colleges have always leaned “left” (code for pro-government). But a dissenting voice could at least survive on the campuses of the 1950s and ’60s. Today one can literally go from …
May 09
Venezuela Continues Downward Spiral
There has never been a famine in a capitalist country; famines and massive die-offs from starvation only occur in socialist countries. Here is a detailed Bloomberg News Service report about the economic collapse of socialist Venezuela. “Catastrophe is the new normal.” Amazingly, Venezuela has THE WORLD’S LARGEST OIL RESERVES. Yet the country is plagued by …
May 09
Yellowstone County Court Clerk Criticizes Corrupt Judges; Billings Gazette Calls for her Defeat
Today’s ‘mainstream’ newspapers are dying a slow death; their content overwhelmingly supports the empowerment of government. It is probable that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of newspaper stories published in America’s daily newspapers over the past decades have simply been rewritten government press releases. The Billings Gazette, a relentless pro-government newspaper covering eastern and …
May 07
Egyptian court sentences journalists to death
Journalism in favor of government has always been one of the safest occupations in the world. Journalism disfavored by government has always been one of the world’s most dangerous occupations. Now there is news that an Egyptian court has sentenced three journalists to death for supposedly reporting facts that undermined Egypt’s “national security.” Thankfully, the …
May 07
Government slave plantation health care generating more ‘group doctor visits’
Every government program designed to help poor people get health care produces the opposite effect: Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare all subsidize artificial demand, causing prices to rise. If government withdrew its evil tentacles from health care, medical prices would quickly adjust downward and quality would quickly adjust upward. Markets always win. Now the New York …
May 05
Tennessee requires 300 hours of government training to shampoo hair
The poor in today’s America are getting poorer all the time, relative to the rest of American society. The reason is government regulation, which keeps poor people from being free to pursue rewarding careers or to otherwise be productive. Many states require licenses for people to enter even the simplest professions such as barbering, managing …
May 05
Update: Glacier Park’s ‘Gone by 2030’ Web Pages are Still Up; They Are Sticking to their Guns
by Roger I. Roots Yesterday, May 5, 2016, I posted and promoted a story indicating that the USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) appears to be removing webpages claiming that all glaciers will melt away from Glacier National Park by the year 2030–just 14 years from now. I have since been informed that the USGS has recently …