Government pushed “Medicaid Expansion” on State Governments with False Price Claims


When Obamacare was pushed down American’s throats in 2009, the Act allowed states to opt out of “Medicaid Expansion.”

Those state legislatures that did opt out were bullied and lied to about the costs. Within the states, loud movements of shrill government trusters arose who constantly accused any skeptical state legislator of being partisan or of voting against “Medicaid Expansion” out of pure animosity to Obama or Obamacare.

The Expansion, these government trusters said, would be a cheap way of helping poor people in the states, using cheap federal money without any additional state-government cost.

Montana’s legislature–the most Republican in the state’s history–finally gave in to the claims and passed “Medicaid Expansion.”


Now we know the claims were all lies.

According to the Mercatus Center (see here):

On rare occasion, however, a prior projection proves so far off that its significance must be noted. . . . It turns out that the 2015 per-capita cost of this Medicaid expansion is a whopping 49% higher than projections made just one year before.

Enrollments in “Medicaid Expansion” are far higher than expected. And per-enrollee costs are far higher as well.