27 results for campaign finance reform

Billionaires are Waking to the Fact that Political Spending Makes Little Difference.

It is one of the biggest myths of modern politics: that repetitive advertising (or the spending of campaign money in general) can ensure electoral victory. Every argument of “campaign finance reformers” is false. There is no (or almost no) correlation between campaign spending and victory. Only a slight number of voters (maybe 1, 2 or …

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Montana Political Candidate Faces Government Accusation of—Purchasing a Domain Name Without Notifying Government

There is a powerful movement among the ranks of government trusters to allow government vastly more power in the area of political regulation. This movement sometimes calls itself a “campaign finance reform movement” and promotes its pro-government agenda by means of certain innocuous-sounding slogans. It posits that the influence of the private sector on politics …

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Martin Gilens’ Affluence & Influence (2012): A Review

by Dr. Roger I. Roots There is a book (and several studies) by Princeton Sociologist Martin Gilens making the rounds among “campaign finance reformers” of late. Gilens purports to have analyzed extensive data regarding the political preferences of the affluent, the middle class, and the poor, and to have distinguished between the three. The book …

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Government-supporting professors push debunked theory that fossil fuel industry supports skepticism “anonymously”

Modern government-funded universities churn out so many false, pro-government “studies” that it is impossible to keep up with them all. A few years back a pro-government extremist professor named Robert Brulle published an alleged scientific paper proclaiming that criticism of the government’s catastrophic-global-warming-by-CO2 theory are secretly funded by the fossil fuel industry. There is nothing …

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U.S. government spends 1.5 billion dollars ANNUALLY on public relations

Barack Obama became president of the United States in 2008 with the support of about $2 billion. (Because the presidential election is a two-year cycle, this means that the cost of promoting Obama to the Presidency was approximately $1 billion annually.) Campaign finance “reformers” routinely decry “money in politics” and push for government controls on …

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More polling shows Americans distrustful of government

The average person in the world is at least 4 times more likely to be killed by his own government than by any foreign government, any criminal, or any terrorist. Statistically, one’s own government is always the greatest source of potential danger to one’s life. For years, Gallup has been asking the question: “Do you …

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The myth of Citizens United v. F.E.C.

Every material claim by campaign-finance “reformers” is a Lie. In 2010, the Supreme Court handed down a decision entitled CITIZENS UNITED V. F.E.C., holding that the First Amendment forbids the government from censoring videos based upon certain “campaign-finance-regulation” arguments. Since then, an army of “reformers” have claimed the decision would unleash “unlimited” spending on political …

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