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Government Myths and Lies about Climate Change

climate change magazines

Saturday-Sunday, May 21-22, 2016. In the Crazy Mountains of Montana.

Lysander Spooner University will offer a free course on ‘Government Myths and Lies about Climate Change,’ on Saturday, May 21, 2016 at around 8:00 a.m. in the sidewalk area in front of the ‘MT Cup’ coffee shop in Livingston, Montana.

The course will take place just before we embark on our glacier hunting field trip. Join us on Saturday, May 21, 2016 for a field trip and hike into the Crazy Mountains to measure and photograph the Range’s glaciers. We will meet around 7:45 to 8:00 a.m. in front of the “MT Cup” coffee shop across from the old Livingston train depot.

Free of Charge! Everyone is invited! But be warned: this entails physically exhausting hiking and trekking. (Dress for cold wet weather; bring lots of photography equipment.) Some of us will make this an overnight backpacking trip, but others will return to their vehicles by Saturday evening.
Glaciers grow and melt with the seasons, gaining tons of snow in winter and receding each summer. Government-funded climate propagandists routinely present old photographs of glaciers taken in early spring and compare them to recent photos of the same glaciers taken in late summer to suggest that glaciers are vanishing.* The U.S. government—with all its vast resources—has used this trick to promote the government’s climate socialist agenda. (Don’t believe us? We’ll show you the government’s websites!)

Our goal is to build a photo archive of specific glaciers on the same dates and vantage points year after year. We stress accuracy, integrity, and fun!
(Note we are planning other glacier research trips later in the summer, including our big annual trip to Glacier National Park on Sept. 13—the average date of first freeze.)
Visit for details. Or contact Roger Roots at 406-224-3105 or [email protected] for further details.

*(No one denies that North American glaciers have generally declined in size throughout the past 200 years—as the earth has been in a two-century warming cycle, which began before the fossil fuel era.)