Category: Free speech under siege

U.S. Senator Calls on Justice Department to Persecute Climate Skeptics

We have previously reported on leading journalists and professors who have called for the arrests and prosecutions of those who question the government’s climate-change messaging. See here and here. Now a sitting U.S. Senator, Sheldon Whitehouse (D.-R.I.), is calling on the U.S. Justice Department to pursue (apparently civil) charges against those who disagree or question …

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“Campaign Finance Reformers” Complain Only About Private-Sector Political Spending—While Ignoring Government Political Spending

NFL football games regularly feature displays honoring the U.S. military: moments of silence, speeches and videos honoring the troops, and even synchronized air force “flyovers” in which F-16 jets fly over NFL stadiums in formation while fans cheer. It came out in March 2015 that everything—even the moments of silence—are paid for by the U.S. …

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“Progressive” Politicians Hiring Loads of Unpaid Interns While Lecturing the World About Inequality and Campaign-Finance Corruption

THE GUARDIAN is out with a fascinating story about the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. The Clinton campaign is employing large numbers of unpaid interns–who generally come to work for the campaign for purposes of resume’-building and view such internships as stepping stones to future career rewards. The use of unpaid interns, of course, should …

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NSA Secretly Expands Its Powers Without Authorization–Again!

The New York Times is reporting today that the TSA has once again expanded its spying on Americans’ internet and email communications, despite the lapsing of the USA Patriot Act and a total lack of congressional authorization. The new spying apparently does have the approval of President Obama, who campaigned in 2008 that he would …

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FBI Now Using Secret Airforce to Monitor Citizens’ Communications and Movements

It has now come out that the FBI has been operating a fleet of small aircraft to monitor and surveil Americans’ movements and communication without warrants. The story is here.

Obama Warns Coast Guard Graduates that Climate Skepticism might be Punished as “Dereliction of Duty”

President Obama was in New London, Connecticut on May 20, 2015 to deliver the keynote address at the United States Coast Guard Academy commencement. During the graduation speech, Obama warned graduates that denying manmade catastrophic global warming or refusing to deal with it is negligence and “dereliction of duty.” “If you see storm clouds gathering …

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American voters are best informed when every voice is free and the mails and airwaves are filled with divergent views, forcefully expressed. Under the First Amendment, every American has the right to write, speak, broadcast and publicize his political views without government interference or permission. Recently, however, an army of well-meaning but misguided “reformers” have …

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Central Planners Now Dominate Election Spending, While Claiming Elections Are Bought by Free-Market Capitalists

There was a time, generations ago, when self-described “liberals” were the biggest proponents of free speech. This was probably because the speech and publications of “liberals” were historically singled out for censorship and persecution more than the speech of any other sector of the American population. Today, the First Amendment’s protections of free speech and …

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