Tag: Citizens United

Proposed Constitutional Amendments to “Overturn Citizens United” Would Actually Overturn Hundreds of Cases

(Pictured above: Bernie Sanders, who is pushing to amend the Constitution to give much more power to the government to “regulate” (meaning fine, punish, or imprison for) (private) spending on ideological-oriented ads, pamphlets or broadcasts.) More than a dozen proposals have been introduced in the two chambers of Congress to supposedly overturn the Supreme Court’s …

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Wisconsin Political Police Launched Violent Armed SWAT Raid in a Witch Hunt against Political Donors

In a free society, every person has a right to say, publish and broadcast any truthful facts about anything. One can pay for a full-page ad in any newspaper (that is willing to take the money) saying what one wants to say. Increasingly, this is not the case in America. After generations of suffering setbacks …

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ACLU’s Ira Glasser: attempts to overturn Citizens United with a constitutional amendment are “willfully, intellectually dishonest.”

Ira Glasser, long one of the ACLU’s most important legal advisers and litigators, spoke at an event put on by the Center for Competitive Politics entitled “Citizens United v. FEC after Five Years – Should Liberals Support Citizens United?” The video is here. Glasser excoriated those on “the left” for calling for a constitutional amendment …

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