Category: Government licensing

Government scrambles to protect its vast stupid regulatory schemes from the threat of Uber

To operate a taxi cab business is to navigate through one of the most over-regulated industries in the world. But the actual act of cab-driving is relatively simple, and poor people of limited means should be able to participate and enter the market. This disconnect is caused by decades of stupid overregulation of the taxi …

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The Increasing Disconnect Between Private Entrepreneurs and Government Control Freaks

The FINANCIAL TIMES magazine is out yesterday with a brilliant article by by Edward Luce, “The great American disconnect.” Luce points out that while lawmakers and politicians everywhere are seeking to tax, regulate, control, classify, limit, and stifle every aspect of American life, entrepreneurs in the tech sector and industry are still “trying to make …

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“Unfair Pricing” is Sometimes Quite Fair

From the book, “Roads in a Market Economy” by Gabriel Roth (1996, page 63): A more modern example of efficient but’unfair’ pricing . . . was related by P.F. Amos at a conference in 1979: Having taken a bus to the Nepal-India border from Kathmandu, and being first through customs, Mr. R.G. Bullock . . …

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