Category: Beware

U.S. Government Continues to Expand its List of Persons “Disabled” from Possessing Firearms

Every government in history ultimately comes for all freedom, all property, all money, and to kill all who resist. Now we read that the U.S. government is (again) seeking to extend the outer boundaries of people whom the government seeks (without legislation) to strip of gun rights. The government is now seeking to create a …

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Pope Spews Satanic Lies

Somebody’s gotta say it. The current Pope of the Catholic Church is spewing utter falsehoods that have been so repeatedly disproven that only a knowing deceiver could spread them. Socialism has impoverished, starved and killed millions. For centuries, those who have trusted their governments to dispense food, shelter, clothing or medical care have watched as …

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U.S. Census Workers Violate Privacy, “Camp out” in Yards of Americans who Decline to Participate

by Dr. Roger I. Roots, founder, Lysander Spooner University I remember years ago after I graduated from law school, I applied for a job with the U.S. Census Bureau. I attended an initiation meeting in Providence, Rhode Island. At that meeting I recall a Census official telling applicants that as Census agents we would be …

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Chinese Government-Owned Newspapers Telling Readers: “Don’t Panic!”

Here’s a tip: When governments give investment advice, you should generally do the very opposite. Governments worldwide are gorged on massive debt and teetering from decades of Keynsian economics. There is not a currency on earth that is backed by anything but paper. Now the government-owned newspapers of China are loudly telling readers not to …

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Kuwait becomes first country to mandate government DNA registry for all subjects

The endless quest by governments to monitor, surveil and control all human life and activity continues. It went mostly unnoticed 10 years ago when the U.S. Congress enacted a “Real ID” law requiring that every state impose some form of biometric identifier in its driver-licensing. There was a minor popular backlash in state legislatures; then …

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Long-term artificially-low interest rates are causing lower productivity across Europe

In a previous post, we alerted readers to a recent report that worldwide central banking has kept interest rates so artificially low for so long that “experts” now doubt whether central bankers can “fix” any future financial crisis. The Telegraph story is here. The same report also warned that these artificially low interest rates have …

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Puerto Rican Governor admits that the Island’s $72 billion debt is “not payable.”

In the wake of the bankruptcy and default of the Greek government, and the forced closure of all Greek banks for a week, the New York Times is reporting statements by the Governor of Puerto Rico that the island can never repay its $72 billion debt. Like Greece (and many or most modern Keynsian-economics-driven governments), …

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NSA Secretly Expands Its Powers Without Authorization–Again!

The New York Times is reporting today that the TSA has once again expanded its spying on Americans’ internet and email communications, despite the lapsing of the USA Patriot Act and a total lack of congressional authorization. The new spying apparently does have the approval of President Obama, who campaigned in 2008 that he would …

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Government Beginning to Extend “Border” Checkpoints Deep Inside the Internal United States.

Startling news from upstate New York. Federal Border Patrol agents have begun setting up travel checkpoints deeper and deeper into the United States, and aggressively interrogating American travelers. According to the Watertown (New York) Daily Times, federal agents are routinely interrogating drivers on internal roadways and even demanding to search vehicles without reasonable suspicion. And …

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This is What Happens When Governments Fail: Greece Begins Confiscating Cash Held in Local City Bank Accounts.

Over time, almost every government comes for all money, all freedom, all property, and to kill all who resist. Today’s Greek government is a case in point: for years, Greek politicians have overspent, expanded their jurisdiction, expanded regulations and raised taxes. Now the country is so deep in debt that the central bankers of the …

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