27 results for campaign finance reform

Every claim behind “campaign finance reform” is untrue

In 2010 the Supreme Court decided Citizens United v. FEC, which struck down a small number of “campaign finance” laws–or at least their application–on First Amendment grounds. Trusters of government went into hysterics. They claimed the Supreme Court had ruled that corporations are people, and that the Supreme Court had pronounced that money is speech …

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First Amendment Lecture: Free Speech and Campaign Finance Reform, Sept. 12 in Missoula, Montana

FIRST AMENDMENT LECTURE: Every Claim of Campaign Finance Reformers is Untrue It is perhaps the biggest myth in American politics: that the private sector is “buying” elections through campaign spending. A version of this myth goes further and contends that capitalist billionaires are using political ads to move American government toward more free-market policies. One …

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FIRST AMENDMENT LECTURE: Every Claim of Campaign Finance Reformers is Untrue

It is perhaps the biggest myth in American politics: that the private sector is “buying” elections through campaign spending. A version of this myth goes further and contends that capitalist billionaires are using political ads to move American government toward more free-market policies. One can find dozens of books (and hundreds of politicians) making these …

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“Campaign Finance Reformers” Complain Only About Private-Sector Political Spending—While Ignoring Government Political Spending

NFL football games regularly feature displays honoring the U.S. military: moments of silence, speeches and videos honoring the troops, and even synchronized air force “flyovers” in which F-16 jets fly over NFL stadiums in formation while fans cheer. It came out in March 2015 that everything—even the moments of silence—are paid for by the U.S. …

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Under “campaign finance” laws, Wisconsin became a political surveillance state

Forget the Alien & Sedition Acts, the Palmer Raids, the Red Scare or the McCarthy Hearings. The greatest threat to freedom of speech and press in American history is the scam known as “campaign finance reform.” Government tyrants and despots have a thousand ways to influence elections to promote more powerful government. They secretly (and …

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US Postal Service gave time off and benefits to postal workers who campaigned for Hillary

“Campaign finance reformers” often depict (private sector) funding of political ads as an overwhelmingly influential factor in elections. But there are many ways that people and institutions influence election outcomes. Government agencies have numerous means of trying to influence the political sphere. Now the Washington Post reports that the US Postal Service gave time off …

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Dr. Roger Roots will Lecture on the Myths of Campaign Finance Law in Missoula on September 12

The Missoula Public Library will host a free lecture and clinic on September 12, 2016 at 6:30 pm. Speaking will be Dr. Roger Roots, J.D., Ph.D. The title: “Every Claim Untrue: the False Narrative of Campaign Finance Reformers.” Dr. Roots will show that every material claim by people promoting campaign finance regulation is false. Roots …

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Save these dates! Campaign Finance Lectures, Glacier Chasing Expeditions

We are now in mid-summer. A few upcoming dates for LSU events: Weekend of September 9-11, 2016: LSU’s annual glacier hunting trip to Glacier National Park! September 12, 2016: Lecture and discussion of campaign finance reform, Missoula Public Library 6:30

Wisconsin “Campaign Finance” Police Use Tactics Inspired by the USA Patriot Act

It is by far the greatest danger to First Amendment freedoms in American history: the modern “campaign finance reform” movement. Every claim used to promote government controls over political campaign ads is untrue. Here is a Reason.com article about Wisconsin political police–who raid people’s homes under cover of darkness and regularly tell those under investigation …

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American voters are best informed when every voice is free and the mails and airwaves are filled with divergent views, forcefully expressed. Under the First Amendment, every American has the right to write, speak, broadcast and publicize his political views without government interference or permission. Recently, however, an army of well-meaning but misguided “reformers” have …

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