18 results for Turkey

In Turkey, mass arrests of dissident party members and blackouts of social media

Every government that ever existed ultimately came for all freedoms, all property, all resources, and to kill all who resist. Now, the government of Turkey is blocking social media and arresting elected legislators from opposition parties. See here.

Turkey becomes a land of mass “treason” arrests and secret court hearings

Headlines blared last week regarding a supposed “coup” attempt to overthrow President Erdogan of Turkey. Whistleblowers have since come forward and provided evidence that Erdogan himself staged the alleged “coup” plot to make himself look better and make his impoverished subjects “rally around the flag.” Such staged, false-flag attacks are quite common in history. Now …

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Attempt to overthrow Turkey’s government reportedly fails

“National security” is something of an oxymoron. The fabric of history shows that liberal societies in which common people have more freedom to innovate, invent, and create without oversight of the state tend to be the most secure societies. Paradoxically, societies that are ruled by a cult of government omnipotence tend to reel from crisis …

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Turkey’s President Pursues Thousands for Insulting Government

Every government in history ultimately came to jail or kill all resistors and critics as ‘traitors’ and promoters of ‘sedition.’ English history is filled with persecution and even hangings of people who criticized government. (And Britain has historically been ‘liberal’ compared to other countries.) Now Turkey’s President Erdogan is pursuing some 2,000 CASES against journalists, …

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Turkish government monitors ‘candid camera’ type shows and arrests citizens who express anti-government views

Censorship of anti-government sentiments is growing worldwide. For years, Americans have been accustomed to “man on the street” or “candid camera”-type interviews where a humorist asks random citizens about their opinions. In Turkey, such shows are secretly monitored by government police. Citizens who express negative opinions about government are arrested afterward. One Turk expressed the …

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Turkish government jails nearly 2,000 for life over suspected links to rival politician

Turkish dictator asks shoppers to report unfair store prices to the government; promises to raid stores

The crazed, powermad dictator of Turkey, Erdogan, has asked the public to report any unfair price hikes in Turkish stores. Government marauders will then raid the stores, taking the inventory, said Erdogan. See here. Predicted headline next month: “Hundreds of Turkish retailers close.”

Turkish government purges thousands of government workers deemed suspicious

The people of Turkey may get a brief period of relief from government workers. Turkish president Erdogan has purged some 130,000 government workers over the past several years, claiming they were associated with ‘terrorist’ movements. Thousands more have been arrested and imprisoned. In almost every instance, Erdogan security forces claim the employees are associated with …

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Turkish government media impose blackout of political challengers on TV

Turkey is preparing for a national election. President Erdogan appears to be in jeopardy of losing his office. So in the final days of Erdogan’s campaign, official Turkish TV and news sources have imposed a virtual blackout on any discussion of Erdogan’s opponents. One opponent, Muharrem Ince, addressed a crowd of 4 million in Istanbul …

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Governments worldwide launch efforts to crush criticism of government, calling it “fake news”

Recently the government of Malaysia voted to ban “fake news” as defined by the government. A new law will punish those who spread misleading information by up to six years in prison. Although the New York Times described the law as the first of its kind, such laws have actually been enacted hundreds of times …

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