California enacts law against “gig” work in September; hundreds of jobs are lost by December

The American “labor movement” began by spreading awareness of worker health and safety, low wages, and long hours.

Today the “movement” is a government-controlled racket typified by pro-government extremism and anti-capitalist ideology.

The recent rise of digital communications led to ride-sharing and other “gig” work—which improved the lives of everyone involved.

But government views this growth in gig work as a major threat to its control over workers. The government of California recently imposed a law requiring most gig workers to be designated as ‘employees’ rather than subcontractors. ‘Employers’ of ‘employees’ must pay exorbitant taxes and insurance premiums, including workers comp and unemployment insurance. ‘Employees’ must also withhold payroll and income taxes.

Just two months after the new law took effect, hundreds of California gig workers have been driven out of work. The entertainment firm Vox “decided to cancel the contracts of some 200 or so freelancers that now work for SB Nation. It will “replace them with 20 new part-time and full-time staffers,” a “source familiar with the decision” told the Los Angeles Times.”

See here.