Mythical “Austerity” “Comes to an End” as Republicans Continue Spending Orgy

“Austerity” means cuts in government spending and/or benefits. The word often appears in mainstream news reports and on the lips of politicians who decry it.

Yet austerity has not been seen in any western government anywhere in the world in generations. The governments of all western countries have grown and grown in relation to their private sectors.

The western world (and much of the eastern and developing worlds for that matter) are choking on government programs, policies, cops and soldiers.

Roughly half of the people in most western countries survive at the expense of the other half, by means of government control and redistribution.

In the U.S. the voters have repeatedly voted for politicians who promised to cut government size, scope and power. Now all 3 branches of the federal government and the vast majority of state governments are dominated by “conservatives” who were elected to cut government.

But government seems to win every time despite the will of the people. Now the U.S. Congress is approving yet another record-setting spending bill.

“The Republicans’ massive $1.3 trillion “omnibus” spending bill has at least one enthusiastic fan: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).

Schumer proudly proclaimed Thursday that the deal shows that America’s “era of austerity” has “come to an end.” See here.