Government appears to be helping cover up the risks of donating kidneys


Interesting (and courageous) essay by medical student Michael Poulson in the Washington Post.

At age 18, Poulson donated a kidney. Like almost everything in American life, organ donation is overregulated by the government. The government imposes a ‘list’ system and criminalizes any selling of organs or other profit-potential ventures which might unleash innovation.

And, it turns out, government overregulation aids and abets the suppression of information about the potential risks of donating kidneys and other organs.

Years after Michael Poulson donated a kidney, he stumbled upon research that shows organ donors are more likely to develop kidney failure later in life, and–possibly–to die earlier from a range of other illnesses.

(Government propaganda feeds into a ‘cheerleading’ ethic which simply praises donors without alerting them to any potential risks.)