March 2016 archive

Breaking: the Global Warming “Pause” May have Ended

1998 was a warm year. No year has matched it since, at least according to satellite data sets. Now, after January’s data have been calculated, it appears that the 18-year,-8-month pause in global warming may have ended. The satellite data sets appear to be consistent. January 2016 may be warmer than January 1998. See here.

“Conservatives” advocate more regulation on abortion

Here is a great column by the gifted libertarian writer Jacob Sullum. Sullum nails the hypocritical approach of so-called conservatives regarding abortion. People who call themselves conservatives are generally knowledgeable about the true effects of regulation. Regulation almost never accomplishes its stated goals; rather, it makes things more expensive and of lower quality. Regulations supposedly …

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Bob Barr: the government is actually demanding that Apple invent a way to defeat its devices’ encryption safeguards

Good essay by former congressman and former Libertarian Party candidate for president Bob Barr, regarding the current fight between Apple and the U.S. government: the government is for the first time demanding that a company actually invent a way to defeat the very encryption safeguards it builds into the devices it sells.

More Campus Censorship at California State University

During the 1960s, American-Nazi-Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell often spoke at colleges and universities. Rockwell was hated and despised, and the college audiences occasionally erupted in loud booing; but college administrators reluctantly allowed the spectacles. They submitted to an understanding that public colleges were subject to the First Amendment and could not discriminate or engage …

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Another dubious study claims humans are destroying the earth

Even more from the ‘false, but peer-reviewed’ category. The journal Nature recently published a study purporting to show that humans may have unleashed the sixth known mass extinction in Earth’s history. The study lays the blame for this alleged mass extinction on a variety of manmade causes: habitation loss, over-hunting, over-fishing, the spread of germs …

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