University of California To Ban “Expressions” of “Intolerance” (Don’t Laugh at the Doublespeak)


We’ve seen this coming for a long time. Governmental Correctness codes at public colleges have been repeatedly struck down as unconstitutional by courts; yet the socialist-totalitarians who command and control America’s government universities continue to seek to enact speech censorship codes to suppress suspicion or distrust of expansive government or its sacred theology. Marxism and central planning good; libertarianism, social Darwinism or structural functionalism bad.

Today’s censors seek to turn campuses into zones where individualist, pro-free-market, or antigovernment ideology is banned–under the guise of fighting “intolerance.”

Now the University of California–a public institution subject to the Bill of Rights–is seeking to ban “expressions” of “intolerance” (don’t laugh at the doublespeak). See here. This proposal would govern not only UC-Berkeley, but all of the Satellite UC campuses–thus covering hundreds of thousands of students.

The proposed official language is carefully crafted to extoll the virtues of “academic freedom.” But there is the problematic insertion of the word “expressions”:

Everyone in the University community has the right to study, teach, conduct research, and work free from acts and expressions of intolerance

The moment one walks upon a government or government-supported college campus today, one enters a world of diminished freedoms and higher costs. Today’s college students walk on eggshells and pay higher costs for everything from parking to sandwiches (ironically, due to government subsidies). See here.

The government-university quest to eliminate “intolerance” is mostly a mask for the banning of libertarian thought. Students must chant messages disavowing any notion that societies function best without government interference.