Government Hydrologist Says World Temps Will Rise 2 Degrees in 10 Years If Voters Adopt More Socialism; “Double That” If Voters Fail To Do So


Many government officials and others seeking to build an even more socialistic and centrally-planned global economy offer alarming predictions. Now we hear that a federal government official—National Weather Service Senior Hydrologist Gina Loss—told Montana audiences in 2014 that there are two possible future weather patterns. If policymakers adopt more central planning and empower governments to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, there would be a 2 degree increase in world temperature in 10 years, and “double that” if voters and policymakers fail to do so. Source: Conrad Nystrom, “2014 Area III Meeting” (of the Montana Association of Conservation Districts), Conservation On the Land, p. 5 (January 2015).